
de Natrol
4,91 (33)

📝 B12 supplements are a popular choice for individuals following a vegan diet, as they help maintain energy levels and support overall well-being. Our supplements are made with high-quality ingredients and come in the form of easy-to-swallow tablets. Each tablet provides the recommended daily dose of B12, making it a convenient option for those who want to ensure they are getting enough of this essential nutrient. The supplements have a pleasant strawberry flavor and dissolve quickly, making them a popular choice for individuals of all ages. With positive reviews from satisfied customers, our B12 supplements are a reliable choice for those looking to support their health and well-being. 🌱💊

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🇫🇷 Ce petit flacon contient des pilules de B12 très concentrée. La pilule se dissous sous la langue et à un goût qui rappelle la fraise 🍓
L'avantage de celle-ci est qu'elle est à prendre seulement tous les 15 jours, pratique pour avoir un dosage adéquat lorsqu'on est tête en l'air! 😉
De plus, le flacon contient 100 comprimés et coûte 12,90€, très très économique !

Mon conjoint a transité, il y a deux ans vers une alimentation végétarienne ! C'est un petit pas au regard de personnes végétalienne ou vegan mais un grand pas pour lui, et je suis fier de lui! (Je suis toujours végétarienne, je transite vers le mieux mais j'ai encore des craquage 10% du temps 🙄 bref... le but n'est pas de parler de moi...)
Il oubli très régulièrement de se complémenter en B12 sauf quand je lui rappelle. De ce fait, cette solution est très pratique pour qu'il ne soit pas carencé ! 🤗 #veganisnotscary 71/90 #groingroin

🇬🇧 This small bottle contains highly concentrated B12 pills. The pill dissolves under the tongue and tastes like strawberries 🍓 The advantage of this one is that it is to be taken only every 15 days, practical to have an adequate dosage when you are head in the air! 😉 In addition, the bottle contains 100 tablets and costs 12.90€, very very economical!

My partner switched to a vegetarian diet two years ago! It's a small step for people who are vegan or vegan, but a big step for him, and I'm proud of him! (I'm still a vegetarian, I'm moving towards the best but I still have cracking 10% of the time 🙄 in short ... the goal is not to talk about me ...)
He very often forgets to supplement himself with B12 except when I remind him.
Therefore, this solution is very practical so that he's not deficient of B12! 🤗


es súper económica porque, por lo que tengo entendido, te dura casi 4 años (y hay que tomar media por semana) ♥️ #abillionlove

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