• Sleepy Dust é vegano? Sim! Sleepy Dust é certificado como vegano pela comunidade abillionVEGANO

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Ha un profumo leggero di lavanda, non ha un reale effetto idratante ma è più

una coccola post doccia

Do you have energetic vegan children who seem to believe they don’t need sleep? Ever

wish you could convince them there was a magical fairy dust that could help them snooze and dream of an all vegan world? Well, this is the stuff. It smells relaxing and you can rub it into skin or sprinkle on sheets. #veganin2020

As I rub this into my skin every night I often wonder why I’m doing

it. It smells lovely, just like the moisturiser, and feels lovely going on, but I don’t think it actually *does* anything. I know if you get chub rub it apparently helps but for £9 it mainly just leaves my skin blue and gets all over the floor.

Di tutte le polverine di Lush è quella che mi piace meno. Al tatto è

grumosa e ruvida rispetto alle altre. La presenza della lavanda è forte e lascia veramente un buon aroma sulla pelle

Nice lavender smell. You can sprinkle it on your body or dust on your pillow

to help you relax. Just a warning it does have sparkles!

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