Hamburguesa de zanahoria, Quinoa Y lino

de Nutrileza
4,00 (41)
  • Hamburguesa de zanahoria, Quinoa Y lino é vegano? Sim! Hamburguesa de zanahoria, Quinoa Y lino é certificado como vegano pela comunidade abillionVEGANO
  • Ícone de Impacto de CarbonoReduziu 83%

Introducing the Vegan Carrot Burger! Made with a blend of mashed carrots and quinoa, this burger is a delicious and nutritious meal. The patty is made from a mixture of carrots and quinoa, seasoned to perfection, and is sure to satisfy your cravings. It's not just a burger, it's a healthy and tasty option that you can enjoy anytime. Try it today and experience the delicious taste of a vegan burger that's good for you. Some reviews mention that it's a great alternative to traditional burgers, and that it's a satisfying and filling meal.

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