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My last packet of protein bread I brought back from Europe 😅 brings back loads of memories about how I survived/enjoyed my trip with breads, hummus, falafels, and of course many good vegan foods. This is quite the standard protein bread I’ve tried, doesn’t have that slight sourish taste but it goes well with savoury dishes imo. Doesn’t rly go that well with spreads I feel, haha. 😅


Molto buono, consistenza molto densa! Il pane di segale ha pochissimi carboidrati quindi ottimo come alternativa per non mangiare sempre il classico pane di grano!


this is a pretty solid bread with 20g of protein. very filling with a combo of rye, wheat, soy and linseeds.


Buonissimo pane proteico, provato a colazione tostato con un filo di tahini e marmellata di fragole.. sprint assicurato per tutta la giornata!

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