Blackcurrant Yo Yo's

de Bear
4,21 (15)
  • Ícone de Impacto de CarbonoReduziu 43%

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Roliños de fruta desecada. Solo levan fruta, sen azucres engadidos.
E diredes: por qué vou mercar 
isto en vez de fruta fresca?
Pois se tes que viaxar en avión non se che estropea ca calefacción ou os golpes da maleta. E tamén aforras pagar 5 euros por unha mazá no aeroporto.
Ademáis traen unhas tarxetas coleccionables moi chulas.



A nice hit of sweetness for the #sweettooth, but otherwise rather unremarkable 😐 In fact I'd say the thing is rather deceptive; you think it's a #toocutetoeat contender because of the bear in the product name and sachet design, but then it turns out to be just a pair of candy coils 🙄 #blackcurrant is a decent flavour.


Not the most exciting thing ever but I like these fruit snacks in good packaging! Two rolls of fruit which are quite firm, very chewy and strong blackcurrant flavour. Can be quite pricey so I only get them on offer #veganisnotscary

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