Post by abillion
Italy 🇮🇹 is going to ban lab-grown meat, do you understand that decision ? Do you consider lab-grown meat to be vegan ? And would you ever want to try it 🤔 ?
Let us know in the comments 👇
For the full article :
animalsvoices It's not vegan because animals were used to make it. Besides, it reinforces the idea that eating animals is ethically right and it isn't. I would never ever try it. It originally comes from an animal and that's enough for me.22 likesReply
serenasofia Do you think you could try it for pet's diet? 7 likesReply
animalsvoices Animals are not pets. They are nonhuman family. Probably that would be the only reason I could try it. 9 likesReply
helena12345 I can understand you BUT for omnivores it can be a huge stepstone, and it’s way less cruel than ‘actual’ meat. 16 likesReply
animalsvoices Omnivores won't eat lab meat if the can eat "real meat." Because omnivores don't care about reducing animal suffering. They only care about themselves.6 likesReply
helena12345 Agreed, but the more alternatives the more chance omnivores will change.
Any way, If it’s vegan or not, i think we can agree it’s a bad cause of Italy banning this. No?8 likesReply
Any way, If it’s vegan or not, i think we can agree it’s a bad cause of Italy banning this. No?8 likesReply
animalsvoices *they1 likeReply
animalsvoices Banning any initiative to reduce animal suffering is a bad cause.7 likesReply
serenasofia Che figura di merda internazionale che stiamo facendo. 🙄 35 likesReply
auramala Sono d'accordo... Mi sembrava una buona idea questa della carne prodotta in laboratorio. Non è vegana, ma avrebbe salvato molti animali dalla morte e da una vita orribile... 😢🤬12 likesReply
serenasofia Io spero ancora che un giorno sarà possibile averla per l'alimentazione degli animali domestici (che è l'unico scopo per cui l'avrei comprata). 9 likesReply
valeveg75 retrogradi sempre 😒12 likesReply
giusvisions Se viene approvata dall'UE c'è poco da fare, l'Italia sarà obbligata a importarla da altri Paesi perché esiste il libero mercato. Anch'io spero venga fatta per alimentare gli animali domestici, credo sia l'urgenza principale delle persone vegane con animali carnivori in casa.12 likesReply
gingersaint Quelli di Coldiretti pur di non perdere i soldi degli allevatori si daranno fuoco in piazza urlando che bisogna salvare la tradizioni (e i bambini, che infilati nei discorsi hanno se ore il loro perché)13 likesReply
auramala Anch'io la prenderei per i miei mici ❤️6 likesReply
auramala Sì sì, infatti il ministro Lollobrigida (e il Governo) ha vietato la produzione in Italia, ma non l'import. Il che è un controsenso 6 likesReply
realsustainablelife Esatto, così alla fine verrà commercializzata cmq, ma l'Italia perde un'occasione per l'espansione di un nuovo tipo di business 🙄 e rimarremo sempre più indietro 4 likesReply
vforvegan Shame on Italy ! This benefit is pretty clear and convincing. The process of creating and producing cultivated meat does not harm animals. The cells, which are extracted a single time from a donor animal, can produce cultured meat indefinitely. This eliminates the need for countless harmful procedures used in traditional farming, not to mention slaughter itself.
Livestock meat production requires approximately 70% of global arable land used for growing livestock feed. Cultivation of animal cells can enable production of meat without needing to raise farmed animals, which require smaller quantities of agricultural resources like land. Land used for meat production can be reduced by 99%!
Just 1 kg of beef requires 15,415 liters of fresh water to produce just 1 kg of beef. Cultivated meat water usage can be reduced by 82%-96% depending on the product.
Cultured meat production uses considerably fewer water resources compared to conventional meat production. Research has shown that agriculture is responsible for 92% of our water usage, and that.
Our global population stands at more than 7 billion people, with expectations to surpass 9.5 billion by 2050. This means that more food will need to be produced to sustain future generations. Today, natural resources, such as land, water and livestock, are limited. Studies show that it will become impossible to raise enough animals to feed the entire population in the years to come. Cultivated meat will increase access to food and, as a result, can potentially reduce world hunger. Cultivated meat uses a fraction of the natural resources used by conventional meat and does not require the raising or slaughtering animals because sourced cells grow indefinitely. This means that cultivated meat can feed our growing global population indefinitely.
20 likesReply
Livestock meat production requires approximately 70% of global arable land used for growing livestock feed. Cultivation of animal cells can enable production of meat without needing to raise farmed animals, which require smaller quantities of agricultural resources like land. Land used for meat production can be reduced by 99%!
Just 1 kg of beef requires 15,415 liters of fresh water to produce just 1 kg of beef. Cultivated meat water usage can be reduced by 82%-96% depending on the product.
Cultured meat production uses considerably fewer water resources compared to conventional meat production. Research has shown that agriculture is responsible for 92% of our water usage, and that.
Our global population stands at more than 7 billion people, with expectations to surpass 9.5 billion by 2050. This means that more food will need to be produced to sustain future generations. Today, natural resources, such as land, water and livestock, are limited. Studies show that it will become impossible to raise enough animals to feed the entire population in the years to come. Cultivated meat will increase access to food and, as a result, can potentially reduce world hunger. Cultivated meat uses a fraction of the natural resources used by conventional meat and does not require the raising or slaughtering animals because sourced cells grow indefinitely. This means that cultivated meat can feed our growing global population indefinitely.
20 likesReply
animalsvoices I won't say shame on Italy or on any other country, as animal abuse is everywhere, unfortunately. 1 likeReply
ericaeroica Io ormai non ho più parole ma solo parolacce per i miei connazionali onnivori, incapaci di farsi un pensiero proprio. Basta che giornali e tv parlino di carne "finta" "sintetica" "stampata in 3D" e al posto di informarsi si indignano perché loro preferiscono la carne "naturale" ossia da animale morto perché quella finta è "OGM" "non sappiamo se nel lungo termine potrebbe fare male" quando poi si ingozzano con la qualunque, cibi spazzatura, alchool, farmaci, senza farsi alcun problema 😅. Ben venga la carne "finta" se può mettere fine, almeno in parte, alla sofferenza di miliardi di povere creature. Per me è approvatissima (io nn la mangerò perché a me la carne nn interessa comunque).15 likesReply
valeveg75 la carne sintetica per me non è vegan, non plantbased, e non la proverei 6 likesReply
valeveg75 però se devo scegliere TRA veder soffrire e morire miliardi di animali (con TUTTO quello che comporta a livello globale) E vederne sacrificare solo alcuni 🙄 sceglierei comunque dolorosamente la seconda, la carne sintetica come primo step verso l'eliminazione del carnismo... ma é un passaggio epocale e ci vorrà un sacco di tempo.... e poi è un business, per un bel po' coesisteranno entrambi 😑5 likesReply
serenasofia Ma saresti disposta a comprarla per l'alimentazione dei nostri gatti di casa? 3 likesReply
valeveg75 eh... bella domanda... vorrei essere sicura che non nocua alla loro salute 🙄1 likeReply
gingersaint Great debacle of epic proportion! I really hope people around the world will understand our government ain’t representing all of us.
Beside that, my personal view about cultivated meat is that it is not vegan, as in the end it always comes from a living being and it remains something totally unnecessary (this is why it’ll never be on my table) but, at the same time, I recognize the fact that with a single biopsy punch tons of meat can be recreate and tons of animals con be saved - not being killed, or not forced to be born and bred at all - because cultivated meat has meat eaters as its target so welcome if we strike a balance.
7 likesReply
Beside that, my personal view about cultivated meat is that it is not vegan, as in the end it always comes from a living being and it remains something totally unnecessary (this is why it’ll never be on my table) but, at the same time, I recognize the fact that with a single biopsy punch tons of meat can be recreate and tons of animals con be saved - not being killed, or not forced to be born and bred at all - because cultivated meat has meat eaters as its target so welcome if we strike a balance.
7 likesReply
animalsvoices Meat eaters won't eat lab meat if they can eat "real meat."Reply
gingersaint I partially agree. For now maybe, because is something totally new and thanks to a massive smear campaign people think they’re gonna eat some radioactive rubber from outer space.
But I don’t think there also stick on crickets for long Reply
But I don’t think there also stick on crickets for long Reply
gingersaint They’ll*Reply
stradlin62 But lab grown meat is real meat!1 likeReply
gingersaint Yeah we know that but think @animalsvoices means how the vast majority see the concept of cultivated meat, namely something unknown, strange, grown in a laboratory and unhealthy for coming from a Petri instead of coming from a slaughterhouse. 1 likeReply
animalsvoices Exactly. I said 'real meat' (in quotation marks) referring to the way meat eaters will see lab meat, because I'm sure they wouldn't consider lab meat as 'real meat.' Obviously, it's real meat.Reply
edamam3 MA CHE PALLEEE QUESTO PAESE 2 likesReply
helena12345 Maybe they should ban electric cars cause it’s not authentic and mechanics would have to reeducate! 🤦🏻♀️3 likesReply
realsustainablelife They are trying to do that as well 🤣 lobbying for bio fuels, against going 100% electric after 2035. Unfortunately we have a very shitty government at the moment 2 likesReply
ammi I am Italian and I am really ashamed by our government and the stupid decision is making. Obviously, Lab-grown meat is not vegan but it is a very good option and I know several omnivores who would chose this meat instead of the “real one”. Lab-grown meat means less animals killed for humans’ pleasure, less farms, less CO2 and less waste of water. But Italy needs to protect traditions…which kind of traditions? Killing animals? Nice tradition to protect. 8 likesReply
animaladvocat Our government’s are all greedy they work for companies their buddies own not for us 😠1 likeReply
tanman715 I personally don't find the need for this and wouldn't try it, but it provides an (almost) ethical solution to people who DO need to eat meat. For example, a friend of mine whose specific case of allergies is currently being studied by Dr. Marcucci at University of Perugia, is desperately allergic to, frankly, most things. I have sat with him and really tried to find a vegan solution for him (not that I claim to be a nutritional expert) and it really kind of came down to having to use some kind of animal product to supplement his diet. So the lab-grown meat could be a good solution for him, however he does live in Italy AND almost certainly falls under the category of omnivores who would almost always choose the true animal flesh over a lab-created product. Interesting paradox, and also an interesting article!
I thought it was interesting that Mr. Lollobrigida is so concerned about guaranteeing that the quality of product they put on the market as if every slab of animal flesh sold in Italy is of the highest grade... 🙄3 likesReply
I thought it was interesting that Mr. Lollobrigida is so concerned about guaranteeing that the quality of product they put on the market as if every slab of animal flesh sold in Italy is of the highest grade... 🙄3 likesReply
animaladvocat No I don’t want to try it but I remember that when I went vegetarian many moons ago I thought if that ever comes to supermarkets I could eat it. Being vegan for a few years now it makes my stomach turn just to think about eating it. It’s still from an animal and animals will still be abused for it 😢 I surely don’t want to taste it 💔🤮2 likesReply
veronicagroen I agree in full with some comments above, carnist will not eat lab grown meat. As a vegan I agree lab grown meat is not vegan but it can change the world, it can save hundreds of thousands of animals, it can have a huge effect on earth, I am not blind to it although I will still fight for that one cow they harvest stem cells from, its just what we do, until everyone is safe as no animal exploration is ever good. The ban that Itality announced reaks of fear. A government or people only react this way if their income are threatened. I think such a ban should tell Vegan's that we do have an impact, that we are not unnoticed, that we are a worthy opponent. Flippen hell, they are scared!!!!!! Italy should be banned for using the word heritage. Heritage should not be about abuse and murder.4 likesReply
gingersaint Italian cuisine generates a turnover of don’t know how many billions worldwide, it’s a huge business, its all about the money.
The average italian is only able to start making a fuss about 2 things: soccer and food. And also moms sometimes
P.S. I’m Italian tbc2 likesReply
The average italian is only able to start making a fuss about 2 things: soccer and food. And also moms sometimes
P.S. I’m Italian tbc2 likesReply
veronicagroen Sadly Italy started a movement which a lot of governments will try and follow, but a government don't reflect its people, they seldom represent them, but we never give up, it's a good sign as well to know that veganism is making an impact in Italy, so thank you to people like you for making a goverment scared, never stop!!2 likesReply
gingersaint The “funniest” thing is the vast majority of our famous dishes would be vegan but are often distorted: milk powder in bread or pizza dough, lard in sauces, cured meats where it shouldn’t be, cheese everywhere, and so on.
Seems that without meat and dairy we would suddenly collapse1 likeReply
Seems that without meat and dairy we would suddenly collapse1 likeReply
franvegg Sono Deluso… però si capisce che è solo l’opinione di un politico. Non è mica un risultato di una ricerca ne un confronto di opinioni. È una decisione fata da UN politico, che non volveva problemi… fortunatamente non è tutto detto ancora, verrà qualcun altro che forse avrà la mente aperta. 2 likesReply
cloudnineberry It’s not vegan as it’s made from animal cells, but you’d have to be delusional to argue against the long term purpose it will serve. As vegans, we argue for animals for highlighting their sentience and capacity to feel pain. Lab grown meat has neither. We want a vegan world for the animals, not because we want everyone to eat vegetables. This is not the hill to die on. 9 likesReply
cloudnineberry People will eat what they are told to eat because marketing works. I wouldn’t worry about non-vegans not eating it. They will, in time. 1 likeReply
plantcircles It’s an animal product, but it’s also cruelty free. Isn’t Veganism about an animal cruelty free lifestyle? I think for me the question is, why culture lab meat? The answer is mostly for profit and supply a environment conscious consumer that is looking for alternatives to unethical animal farming. In that case, there is a place for it.
If you ask me to try it, I wouldn’t as I don’t need animal flesh in my diet. I don’t need it, or think it’s a healthy choice. Is impossible burgers and other vegan mock meats necessary? Not really, but they can help some people transition to a more conscious life style. 4 likesReply
If you ask me to try it, I wouldn’t as I don’t need animal flesh in my diet. I don’t need it, or think it’s a healthy choice. Is impossible burgers and other vegan mock meats necessary? Not really, but they can help some people transition to a more conscious life style. 4 likesReply
lizmaselli I personally couldn't eat it, before I was vegan I was raised vegetarian. Eating meat has never been a part of my life and I am perfectly content without it. HOWEVER, as much as I believe no human needs to eat meat, realistically, people aren't going to stop. Humans are STUBBORN as heck. I mean we're literally destroying the only planet we have to live on. I think lab grown meat would mean less animal deaths and suffering. People who love eating meat in some respect have to know somewhere in their hearts killing is wrong and if this gives them the option to still eat meat without slaughting billions of animals and they take this option, I can't say that I'm against it.4 likesReply
raskolnikov 😠😠😠Reply
raskolnikov 😠😠😠Reply
heavenstobetsy it's not vegan 1 likeReply
heavenstobetsy it's not vegan 1 likeReply
juliachavy I don’t consider it to be vegan because
it still involves killing an animal, but it is a significant improvement over factory farmed meat and a good option for people who won’t go vegan or find it difficult for health reasons. I would also love it for my cat, who obviously can’t be vegan. I’m really disgusted by this decision, it seems like the Italian government is fully paid off by the farmers lobby. 2 likesReply
it still involves killing an animal, but it is a significant improvement over factory farmed meat and a good option for people who won’t go vegan or find it difficult for health reasons. I would also love it for my cat, who obviously can’t be vegan. I’m really disgusted by this decision, it seems like the Italian government is fully paid off by the farmers lobby. 2 likesReply
rochi09 It doesn’t involve killing the animal, they just take a tiny sample of cells. It’s like taking out a mole or something really tiny from your body2 likesReply
lucallll Livello di progresso in Italia: Wilma dammi la clava!1 likeReply
theveggeppy Be vegan doesn't mean we should eat lab food... I see people showing vegan food from plasit bags, "plasit = petroleum" which is contaminated. Italy has been one of the most vegan countries in the world without knowing it and there is enough land to produce vegan food which doesn't come from labs or manipulated farms.. Lab is not vegan1 likeReply
montezuma I am Italian and this government is absolutely idiotic. They even want to ban English words from business and institutional language! Unbelievable!
Lab grown meat is the solution to a lot of problems. It will save a lot of animals and reduce our environmental impact. I would not eat it personally, but it doesn’t take a genius to see it’s pros!Reply
Lab grown meat is the solution to a lot of problems. It will save a lot of animals and reduce our environmental impact. I would not eat it personally, but it doesn’t take a genius to see it’s pros!Reply
heidid I would not consider it vegan since it's still animal derived.
Even though there is less cruelty associated with it, I still wouldn't eat it. I truly believe we are herbivores.
In saying that, I think this still would be a better option for people who eat meat and do not care about the suffering of animals.Reply
Even though there is less cruelty associated with it, I still wouldn't eat it. I truly believe we are herbivores.
In saying that, I think this still would be a better option for people who eat meat and do not care about the suffering of animals.Reply
rebeljana I think it’s a massive step in the right direction. Italy is making a huge mistake! It will be a success! I personally can’t wait, but no for me… as my survival does not depend on it, but for my cats 😊 feeding them without rimorse is a dream of mine Reply
veganhubby We can talk until the cow come home on what is right or wrong. But different governments make decisions based on which lobby is stronger. Singapore is moving towards plant based as we are always forward thinking into the next economy to survive in, traditional countries like Italy and US have strong farmer lobbyist to protect the meat industry. Who has the most dollars and power?
What is important is focus on our everyday choices and shift from the ground up. Abillion is a great platform but the lab grown industry is a two head creature that is set to stay and grow. Whether you like it or not. The money always chases the latest fad. Don’t believe everything you read.Reply
What is important is focus on our everyday choices and shift from the ground up. Abillion is a great platform but the lab grown industry is a two head creature that is set to stay and grow. Whether you like it or not. The money always chases the latest fad. Don’t believe everything you read.Reply
partyinthekitchen My worry about lab grown meat is tracking which is which and products being sold falsely. There was a scandal in the UK a few years back where the major supermarkets were selling “beef” frozen lasagne that was actually made with horse and donkey flesh. It occurs to me that for products being sold as lab grown meat - how can we be sure what we are really eating? Maybe unscrupulous or incompetent food labelling could lead to people eating animals who didn’t wish to.Reply
gingerica Qua in Italia si sbaglia tutto, a partire dal nome. Qui i media la dipingono come "carne sintetica" ma si tratta di COLTIVATA (come dice giustamente il post), il che è una bella differenza. Da cellule staminali si parte e si creano poi nuovi tessuti in laboratorio senza consumare acqua, cibo o grandi terreni come avviene con gli allevamenti tradizionali. Senza dover fare soffrire miliardi di animali o drogarli con farmaci.
Personalmente non la proverei perché non ho interesse nel ritrovare il sapore della carne ma mai dire mai. È però di grande utilità per chi ha animali domestici che devono necessariamente seguire una dieta carnivora.Reply
Personalmente non la proverei perché non ho interesse nel ritrovare il sapore della carne ma mai dire mai. È però di grande utilità per chi ha animali domestici che devono necessariamente seguire una dieta carnivora.Reply