Review of Ashwagandha - Garden of Life by brtjohns

photo of Garden of Life Ashwagandha shared by @brtjohns on  18 Mar 2022 - reviewphoto of Garden of Life Ashwagandha shared by @brtjohns on  18 Mar 2022 - reviewphoto of Garden of Life Ashwagandha shared by @brtjohns on  18 Mar 2022 - review

Garden of Life


Another breakroom find, I just take these free opportunities to get an #abillionbuck to donate. Would not buy this or anything from this company, as I've maybe said a million times. It's not a company concerned about your health or the world's. Hell this guy has palm oil, gums, maltodextrin etc. I hate that these companies thrive. It comes down to people's gullibility and prioritizing convenience.

kavana Organic palm oil? Maybe it was grown small scale where they didn’t clear out rain forests !?Reply
brtjohns It's my understanding that all of today's palm oil is produced on recently cleared forest, which makes certifications meaningless to me. Also, like the dairy & meat factory farming industry, it seems relevant policies and legislation are heavily influenced by the industry. In 3 or 4 decades when companies aiming at sustainable palm oil have allowed their surrounding areas to regenerate and they've conducted responsible operations that entire time, then maybe I could consider some palm oil sustainable and be open to buying it. my 2cents1 likeReply
brtjohns When reading ingredients I regard palm oil as the equivalent of an indicator species, the wellbeing of the species indicates the wellbeing of the ecosystem. So, to me, if something has palm oil it's not the clean, healthy enough food I'm looking for.1 likeReply
kavana Yeah makes sense. I don’t see too many products using palm oil.. it’s only peanut butters that are usually loaded with palm oil but today even those come without. Reply

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