Review of Oat Milk - Pro Natur by drteetee

photo of Pro Natur Oat Milk shared by @drteetee on  13 Mar 2022 - review

Pro Natur


Bought from Aldi.
Cheap. 👌
Poured it in my coffee, didn’t really taste that much.

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alexsea The trick for good taste in coffee is the oil like in Alpro and others 🤫😅1 likeReply
drteetee Aha!!! Immediately checked the ingredients on this one😅 only oats and water. I’ll stick to the non-oily m*lk 😁2 likesReply
alexsea 😅1 likeReply
saschazelf The packaging looks very nice!1 likeReply
drteetee I agree💚1 likeReply

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