Review of Vegan Chicken Salad - Whole Foods Market by groovyfatvegan

photo of Whole Foods Market Vegan Chicken Salad shared by @groovyfatvegan on  01 Mar 2022 - review

Whole Foods Market

Absolute dog shit. Forcing myself to eat it because I don’t want to waste the money I spent.

shmoopsify That sucks, sorry!1 likeReply
groovyfatvegan Be proud of me for eating the whole thing 😂 that was not easy. 4 likesReply
shmoopsify I am! I know exactly how you feel, unfortunately!1 likeReply
groovyfatvegan You know, I pretty much like everything as long as it’s vegan. But I can’t with this one. How in the hell is this dog shit $10/pound? Absolutely shameful!!2 likesReply
shmoopsify Yeah that is way too much to begin with, then tasting like crap??? I would definitely let them know! They need to hear it!1 likeReply
onehungryvegan I wonder why they changed 😫Reply
groovyfatvegan It’s because Whole Foods decided to cancel their contract with Delight Soy. Reply

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