Review of Vegetarian Mee Siam at Daily Green 吉祥素 by ryzahandprints

photo of Daily Green 吉祥素 Vegetarian Mee Siam shared by @ryzahandprints on  02 Feb 2022 - reviewphoto of Daily Green 吉祥素 Vegetarian Mee Siam shared by @ryzahandprints on  02 Feb 2022 - review

Came back to do a review after a long time just cause this was soooo freakin' great!! SUPER YUMMY. Right level of spiciness for someone like me who can't take spicy food. There's a perfect balance of sourness & milkyness to the gravy, and I drank it all up. Chewy taopok and crispy soy skin added lovely texture and mouthfeel which I totally digged. Highly highly recommended.


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