Review of Vegan Quiche - Raised gluten free by paniwilson

photo of Raised gluten free Vegan Quiche shared by @paniwilson on  22 Jan 2022 - review

Raised gluten free

This was really tasty! The spinach and tofu filling was outstanding! I thought the crust could've been more impressive, even if it is a gluten-free crust, a thicker crust would've been nice.
We are making an effort to try more gluten free products bc too much gluten gives my wife a lot of pain ☹
Luckily there are a lot of decent vegan and gluten-free products out there!

#veganisnotscary #abillionlove #veganin2022 #glutenfree

koyott Congratulations for the 90/90 challenge !! 😃1 likeReply
paniwilson @koyott thank you!! I'm so excited about the prizes! 1 likeReply
koyott I imagine !! 😊Reply

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