Review of Dark Cacao Organic Açaí - Selva Foods by claudben

photo of Selva Foods Dark Cacao Organic Açaí shared by @claudben on  05 Dec 2021 - reviewphoto of Selva Foods Dark Cacao Organic Açaí shared by @claudben on  05 Dec 2021 - review

Selva Foods

Second purchase cuz it’s just THAT GOOD. This be whisking me away to some tropical chocolate paradise and I love every bite. So refreshing and both the acai & chocolate flavours are prominent.

I finished the previous pint in one sitting, no kidding. This has “guilt free” on the front but I’m not sure if that still applies after I finish my 130405th pint in one week 🙃

#veganisnotscary #9090challenge

chefchrissy68 😂😂1 likeReply

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