Review of Combination 7 at Little Ethiopia Eatery by pdxveg

photo of Little Ethiopia Eatery Combination 7 shared by @pdxveg on  29 Dec 2020 - review

This consisted of (clockwise starting at the top):

Vegan Tibs – traditionally made from meat, but these are made with soy and wheat gluten. They had plenty of protein and a lively amount of heat from spices

Kale Kitfo – injera, kale, oil, and mild spices. This kale was deliciously different from how it is often prepared. The Ethiopian spices provided unique and satisfying flavors

Cabbage – as with the kale, the distinctive Ethiopian seasoning made this very enjoyable.

Misir Wot – lentils cooked in spicy onion-tomato paste and Ethiopian cardamom. Protein-packed and hearty.


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