Almond Drink With Coffee

de Planted
4,17 (7)
  • Almond Drink With Coffee é vegano? Sim! Almond Drink With Coffee é certificado como vegano pela comunidade abillionVEGANO
  • Ícone de Impacto de CarbonoGuardado 22%

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This coffee is amazing. Got it from herons currently 3 for £1. It tastes lovely

to me it has a slightly caramel flavour. Not too sweet and not too strong. Love it will definitely buy some more.

Liked the consistency and the taste. Although, the coffee was a bit on the mild

side. I was reminded of Amul Cafe, only it's milder version.

If coffee is your thing then you'll love this.
Personally, coffee is not my favourite drink

for different reasons other than taste, but as this was bought for me I thought I'd try it and it was nice.

Snack sized, would be easy to carry around, perfect for lunches etc.

Featuring Merlin 🐈🐄


It was good! I usually don’t like almond milk but coffee flavoured things r rly

good. It sustianedme for my bread Without Bags fair HAHAHAH. Got all these on clearance via @treatsure to fight food waste :)

Handy to bring on the go, and I love that it’s in a carton instead

of a plastic bottle. The texture is a bit thick/syrupy but the flavour is alright

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