Throat Comfort

  • Is Throat Comfort vegan? Yes! Throat Comfort is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 0%

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Most helpful reviews

I used to suffer from a sore throat & horrible dry cough every winter, but

surprisingly after going vegan I haven’t had to deal with it in 2 years. Does tea expire? 😅 This used to be my go-to and really does help soothe a sore throat. It tastes pretty earthy and slightly spicy due to the ginger & pepper.

#tea #yogitea

My boyfriend sent me a box of different Yogi teas when I got the flu

(so sweet 😍). This throat comfort tea was helpful when I got a sore throat from the flu. It didn't help instantly but by the next day my throat was feeling a lot better and only hurt a little when I coughed. It has a somewhat sweet herbal flavor that my taste buds aren't acquired to, but it's mild enough that I was able to still sip on it. It says to steep for 7minutes but I think I steeped for less than that because I didn't want it too strong.

This company is #bcorpcertified and the teabags are #compostable


Molto buono! Molto delicato. Mi piace berlo la mattina

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