Vegan Kipstukjes

by Vivera
4.27 (6)
  • Is Vegan Kipstukjes vegan? Yes! Vegan Kipstukjes is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 47%

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Most helpful reviews

I buy this stuff all the time. I used to buy the vegan chicken from

vegetarische slager (vegetarian butcher), but this one is a little cheaper and just as good in my opinion. It doesn't have a lot of flavour, but in a good way. You can season it to your liking. The pieces are soft at first, but after baking them they have a nice texture. #veganchicken #vivera #jumbo #veganisnotscary

Boa opção de proteína vegetal. Pedacinhos de frango. Comprado em supermercado na Holanda.

Tipo Straccetti di pollo, davvero molto buoni. Sanno di carne.

Kinda like chicken, tasty.
Nice with Calve knoflook extra, which is vegan to.
Would definitely buy this


I think is a good product. You can make it in many different ways .

The taste is good. This time I ve made it with leek(previously cooked alone and made it almost creamy) in the pan and then I added the kip. Was very good. I ll buy it again.

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