Polvo Sabor Parmesano

by Vegecheese
4.12 (5)
  • Is Polvo Sabor Parmesano vegan? Yes! Polvo Sabor Parmesano is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 80%

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Most helpful reviews

Este parmesano es genial tanto para pasta como para cualquier cosa. Mi opción hoy ha

sido ponerlo en un carpaccio de calabacín con almendras tostadas. Delicious!

Alternativa vegetal al queso parmesano. Tiene un aroma muy bueno y de sabor intenso. A

base de almidones y aceite de coco. No es necesario recurrir al cuajo de las secreciones mamarias de rumiantes, hay alternativas vegetales éticas y sabrosas.

Vegan parmesean cheese, also gluten free, in powdered format. The aroma is pungent but the

taste is maybe 75% achieved, amd strictly for sprinkling on your favorite dishes. Next time I am going to try the "shavings" format to see if it has a more authentic taste, and then I can decide which one to keep purchasing.

This was 3,80€ for 150g, from www.veganpoint.net, which is based in and delivers to the Canary Islands.

#vegansfromcanaryislands #sinoesveganonoescomida #veganparmesan #parmesan

Da el pego totalmente. Sabe a queso. Útil para ensaladas, lasaña, pasta, pizza, etc

It does have a cheesy almost goat cheesy flavour. Tastes great on your pastas ect.

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