Vantastic Nuggets

by Vantastic Foods
4.56 (9)
  • Is Vantastic Nuggets vegan? Yes! Vantastic Nuggets is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 47%

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Most helpful reviews

Nuggets sabor pollo a base de sus y proteĆ­na de trigo. Se doran perfectamente en

la sartĆ©n y tienen una textura firme. EstĆ”n muy buenos y en Yuka tienen una puntuaciĆ³n de 90/100.


Ottimi nuggets, anche per stavolta niente cena salutare, ma ne valgono la pena. Scaldati nella

friggitrice ad aria. Acquistati online su

Nuggets vegani, veramente buoni e saporiti, sembrano davvero carne di pollo e si cuociono velocemente


Lately I did not have such a horrible meat substitute like in the beginning of

not eating meat any more 22 years ago šŸ™ˆ Why did you develop this product, guys?! It only tastes greasy and artificially like chicken which is way too much šŸ˜© I couldnā€™t eat those nuggets, sorry šŸ˜ #abillionlove

Another product from this brand that didnā€™t disappoint. The texture was on point and the

taste was different from other vegan nuggets, they went for a meatier flavor here, which isnā€™t bad at all.

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