Raw Kimchi

  • Is Raw Kimchi vegan? Yes! Raw Kimchi is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN

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Most helpful reviews

Oh my god I love kimchi so much this was amazing got it at sainsburys

After eating this for the first time with a Wagamama’s dish and not even knowing

what it was until being informed lol (iv learnt so much about vegan food from this app and it’s amazing users 😊) I really wanted to try it again and I’m so glad I did! Not to keen on the smell but the taste, yummy sharp n crunchy pickle vibes! Great in a wrap, burger or sandwiches or little side dish! So if you like any form of pickles give It a whirl! Apparently it’s super good for your tummy digestion too 😊

I bought this from my local co-op having never tried kimchi before, it was an

unusual taste at first but I’m now obsessed with it! I’ve never tried any other brands so I can’t really compare this but I am aware that anchovies (or fish paste) are sometimes in the recipe so it is nice that this brand offer it without.

One complaint is that there are often large chunks of the cabbage stock amongs it and they are quite difficult to chew. I normally just avoid them🥬

£4.50 for a big jar that lasts for a few weeks

✨✨✨✨ #abillionlove

Tasty kimchi available in Sainsbury’s. Not as yum as the Laurie’s Hot & Smoky kimchi

you can get from some health food shops (that stuff is amazing!), but still very nice and not overly spicy. Comes in a solid plastic tub. Marked vegan.

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