Bärlauch Bratfilets

by Taifun
4.49 (7)
  • Is Bärlauch Bratfilets vegan? Yes! Bärlauch Bratfilets is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 0%

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Most helpful reviews

My son prefers the pizza bratfilets but likes these too! We’re not crazy about processed

food and soy for that too!
But sometimes we enjoy them.

Filetti di tofu perfetti per un pranzo veloce e leggero

Sinceramente il sapore dell'aglio orsino si perde un po', ma sono comunque buonissimi e molto

semplici e veloci da preparare, si possono usare in molte preparazioni e non serve aggiungere ulteriore condimento

📍 Denn's Biomarkt 💰2,49€

A very tasty tofu product with an intense flavour of wild garlic. It can be

eaten raw or fried and is not overly expensive, bought it for 2,69€ at Denn's.

Mir sind sie etwas zu trocken wenn sie lange gebraten sind. Geschmacklich gut.

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