Asian Spiced Tofu

by SoFine
3.92 (5)
  • Is Asian Spiced Tofu vegan? Yes! Asian Spiced Tofu is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 0%

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Most helpful reviews

Cubetti di tofu ottimi per tantissime preparazioni, io li usavo principalmente per burritos e piatti

di riso, ma stanno bene con tutto. I migliori sono sicuramente il tofu al naturale e quello affumicato, gli altri non avevano grande personalitĂ 

Weird consistency and not that much taste, nice to eat with something else, and nutritionally


It is okay. It is nice for in a pasta or something, but it nowhere

as good as when you marinate tofu yourself. I still buy it sometime, but if you have the time I recommend marinating your own tofu. #veganisnotscary

Very tasty and quick to make tofu. Never disappoints. Although the packaging could be as

eco-friendly as possible. Such a small amount of food shouldn't make such a big plastic waste.

Easy food making! Throw this in a wok or sauce or just warm up and

throw on top of the meal. Tastes alright but not as good as some of the other SoFine tofus.

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