Double Chocolate Brownie Ball

by Roo'bar
4.40 (5)
  • Is Double Chocolate Brownie Ball vegan? Yes! Double Chocolate Brownie Ball is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 56%

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Most helpful reviews

Another amazing product from Roobar 😍 Its so fudgy, chocolaty, sweet and delicious 😋 only

minus is that its pricy for such a small ball.. 🙄 #veganin2021 #impactfulapril

Vegan bar veramente valida piccolina perĂČ molto gustosa!

Roo’Bar Ă© una delle migliori marche di barrette raw vegan e questo formato Ă© davvero

carino da tenere in tasca o in borsa 🙂 In questa ball Double Chocolate si avverte molto il cacao e le chips di cioccolato, non Ăš particolarmente dolce, proverĂČ sicuramente gli altri gusti!

Roo’bar es una de las mejores marcas de barritas Vegan crudistas y este es un tamaño muy bonito para guardarlo en en el bolso o bolsillo: en esta bolitas Double Chocolate se nota mucho el sabor de cacao y de las pepitas de chocolate, no es especialmente dulce, probarĂš los otros sabores!

Galleta orgĂĄnica y raw de chocolate estilo brownie. Para mi un dulce capricho rico

y saludable!

yummy this was sooo delicious!!!! i will buy again

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