Vegan Meal

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Most helpful reviews

Taste wise was ok would have loved it if they gave more veggies and lesser

tofu as the tofu was really too much hahahah

We ordered the VGML while purchasing our tickets, but were pleasantly surprised that the plantbased

meal was already one of the options onboard!! So it was chicken, fish or plantbased! Which meant omnis could go with the vego meal if the meat or fish options didn’t appeal to them. G’donya Qantas!!!!!

This vegan ravioli topped with vegan cheese, broccoli and nutritional yeast tasted delightful! It wasn’t too heavy. Just the right amount of tangy in the tomato sauce. I enjoyed it a lot! ☺️

#veganonvacation #ravioli #veganpasta #airlinefood #veganisnotscary #qantas #planefood #veganravioli

My first flight with Qantas in over 20 years. At least I behaved much better

back then than did the kids on yesterday's flight (think screaming game of hide-and-seek through the darkened cabin, with limbs and members invading the personal space of other passengers who are trying to sleep 🤬). Come to think of it, better than I behaved yesterday too, considering that my response was a vicious, foul-mouthed putdown of the frazzled parents once I identified those irresponsible beings. Don't have kids if you aren't capable of raising them 🤷‍♂️

I guess I must have been hangry, and who wouldn't be with Qantas' vegan offering 😐 The main was a modest amount of #couscous with #chickpeas in a mildly spicy tomato sauce, with a few #edamame beans and pieces of #tofu to interrupt the monotony. I was more amused by their non-attempt to provide an alternative vegan dessert - see second picture, double bread rolls + Nuttelex 😂😂 #stillhungry #airlinefood

As for the bricklets - I mean, French toast - that they later served for breakfast, the less said the better 😖

On a positive note, I observed that Qantas are putting plant-based main courses on their regular menus. Doesn't work for us because the rest of the meal tray would still be cruelty-laden, but good to know that roughly 1/3 of the passengers are being partially exposed to kinder alimentation 🙂


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