Soft White Extra

by New Roots
4.83 (16)
  • Is Soft White Extra vegan? Yes! Soft White Extra is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 80%

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Most helpful reviews

It didn't win the price of best cheese for nothing. It's delicious! Especially with a

little bit of salt

Tiene un ligero sabor similar al camembert. Es un queso bastante fuerte pero de sabor

está muy bien 💕 🧀 #elhogar

C’est le premier camembert qui me plaît , légèrement fruité et pas du tout écœurant,

la preuve, j’ai pas résisté avant de le prendre en photo 😁
First Camembert that I like , fruity and light, as you can see i cannot resist to wait for the picture 😅
#santuariocapraliberatutti #rifugiomiletta

Prodotto fermentato a base di anacardi, ispirato al Camembert: una volta provato non potrai più

farne a meno! #veganisnotscary

This is one of the best vegan camembert alternatives I have tried and with 6,99€

it's a lot cheaper than comparable cheeses. I have only seen it at Veganz so far so I always buy at least 3 when I'm there.

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