My Vegan Cheese

by My 100% Vegan
4.33 (3)
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 80%

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Most helpful reviews

Okay so these cheese slices canā€™t obviously be compared to Violifeā€™s (aka G.O.A.T vegan cheese

šŸ¤¤), but if you compare them to other vegan cheese brands, theyā€™re not bad!
Iā€™ve never been a great fan of cheese, so I only eat it in pizza or when incorporated in other recipes. I donā€™t make cheese toasts or sandwiches, for example. But my parents, who do, tell me that this cheese is quite reasonable when thereā€™s no Violife available!
Nutritionally, it could be waaaaay worse, trust me... And it has B12!! šŸ˜Š
Itā€™s also cheaper than Violifeā€™s!
#abillionlove #vegancheese #cheese

The taste is good even though the consistency is not very similar to real cheese.

Itā€™s very cheap compared to other vegan cheese.

Es un queso bastante bueno, aunque hay otras marcas que me gustan mas. Ideal para

tostadas #abillionlove

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