Choco Nuts

by Migros V-Love
4.37 (18)
  • Is Choco Nuts vegan? Yes! Choco Nuts is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 57%

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Most helpful reviews

Buonissimo, nocciole ben presenti e dolce al punto giusto.

A family member brought us a bunch of vegan chocolate bars of this brand all

the way from Switzerland, but this one has been (surprisingly) my least favourite one so far. I wanted the chocolate itself to taste creamier... Maybe the problem is that I ate it straight out of the fridge when it was cold. I am thinking I should have let it get to room temperature first...

Cioccolato vegano alle nocciole, buonissimo niente da invidiare al cioccolato onnivoro! Migros si rivela sempre

una grande scoperta

Gusto buono e con tante nocciole!! È apprezzatissimo anche dal mio compagno onnivoro!

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