Hafer-Porridge Früchte

by Kölln
4.74 (7)
  • Is Hafer-Porridge Früchte vegan? Yes! Hafer-Porridge Früchte is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 87%

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Most helpful reviews

Ottimo prodotto, gusto delicato. Io lo utilizzo con lo yogurt di soia.

I usually eat this for breakfast. It's easy to prepare (over night version or microwave

version) and it tastes nice. Frozen fruits or normal fruits also taste nicely with it.

Porridge all'avena con 12 per cento di bacche. Ottima colazione!

Flocos de aveia com sabor de frutas para mingau. Sabor não muito doce e suave.

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