
by Jongga
4.25 (19)
  • Is Kimchi vegan? Yes! Kimchi is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN

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Most helpful reviews

This kimchi is so good! The taste feels more original than any other vegan kimchi

I have tried.

The only con is the price, it’s on the higher priced range but it’s worth every penny.

Questo kimchi è davvero buonissimo. Piccante al punto giusto, fresco e croccante, lo adoro.
Un mio

amico coreano lo fece preparare dalla moglie in versione vegana, squisito, questo ci si avvicina molto. Quindi lo consiglio tantissimo.

I love kimchi and I was expecting this to be like the homemade one...But this

is actually quite different 😥 I think next time I'll ask to a Korean friend to make one for me or I'll go to a Korean restaurant 😅

Too salty. Like they skipped the rinsing of the cabbage. I advise skip this one.

Make you own or buy a different brand like wildbrine.

Non speciale. Non il mio preferito purtroppo. Sapore troppo forte.

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