
by Edeka
2.80 (1)
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Most helpful reviews

The other day I was thinking about that it has been agggges since Iā€™ve had

potato fritters(?)ā€¦and the applesauce that goes with it. However I went to the supermarket to check whether there are vegan options or whether Iā€™ll have to prepare it from scratch which would mean I wonā€™t have it for the next decade because Ainā€™t nobody got time for that. Anyways, found this one! Doesnā€™t has a vegan sign but based on the ingredients itā€™s vegan. Pretty much the only good thing about this product. I couldnā€™t taste anything (no, Iā€™m not covid positiv, did a pcr swab test 48ago), it was so absolutely bland, after I added oil it was just a oily, soggy, disgusting mess that I had to put aside. The awesome applesauce made it a little better though šŸ˜…

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