Haferdrink natur

by Edeka Bio
4.53 (16)
  • Is Haferdrink natur vegan? Yes! Haferdrink natur is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 80%

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Most helpful reviews

It does not have sugar but it’s still sweet! Perfect for my coffee.

Leite de aveia da marca alemã Edeka Bio.
Tomei em Munique.
É o melhor leite de

aveia que já experimentei!!!! Tem o melhor preço do mercado e o sabor é excelente! (Não é daqueled super doces).
Se eu morasse na Alemanha, só compraria esse leite - como minha irmã mora, deixo essa tarefa pra ela!!!!!

🇱🇷 Tastes slightly sweet, I don't like it in my coffee, in smoothies or chilled

pure it tastes good.

EUR 0,99/l

🇩🇪 Schmeckt leicht süßlich, im Kaffee mag ich es nicht so gerne, im Smoothie oder gekühlt pur schmeckt es.

EUR 0,99/l


Oatmilk without added sugar or any flavors. My all time favorite to substitute milk. You

can even foam it although it‘s not a barista edition

Sehr lecker und ohne Zuckerzusatz. Meiner Meinung nach eine sehr gute Alternative zu Alpro und


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