Curcuma powder

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Most helpful reviews

Curcuma (or turmeric) has become one of my favorite spices. I've been using it for

years now, but after I found how good for us it actually is (especially after reading dr. G' "How not to die") I started using it a lot more, so I had to buy a bigger package 😂 I think I irreversibly died a bright pan yellow because of it 🙁🤣 Highly recommend you adding it to your meals though, it's a magic spice with no taste 😁✨ #veganin2021 #abillionwomen

Today curcumin is widely researched for its potential benefits for the immune sysiem. Dragon Superloods

Curcuma powder is sun-dried and finely ground. Try it with savoury dishes or soups, or add a pinch to your
favourite smoothie for a new exotic taste.

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