Big Americans - BBQ Jackfruit (Pizza)

by Dr. Oetker
3.23 (6)
  • Is Big Americans - BBQ Jackfruit (Pizza) vegan? Yes! Big Americans - BBQ Jackfruit (Pizza) is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 58%

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Most helpful reviews

I typically prefer my pizza with a thin, crispy base but couldn’t resist a “two

for €5” special on this new American-style frozen pizza from Dr Oetker 🍕

A very generous amount of toppings, which are a little spicy while somehow also a bit sweet? The jackfruit is really delicious and different!

Be warned, though, that you’ll end up feeling like you’ve just eaten a loaf of bread 😂 I eat more than anyone I know, but I still ended up leaving a slice because it was just a bit too much. (Tasted great for breakfast the next morning 😋)

#pizza #jackfruit #quickandeasy #lazyvegan #frozenpizza

Definitely not the healthiest vegan pizza out there, but it's nice to have this option

available if you fancy a thick American style pizza!

Not the best frozen vegan pizza I’ve ever eaten. The idea of putting jackfruit as

topping is not bad at all, but the taste is too acidic (it could be because of the bbq sauce)

It is not bad but the taste of ketchup is predominant. The base of the

pizza is high, crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside.

im not sure how i feel about this! on one hand im so excited to

have more options and a pizza like this is really something i used to love but im not the biggest fan of bbq and i found it kind of hard to finish but it was buy one get one free so i'll try it again ☺️

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