Pastete Shiitake-Champignon ( Shiitake Champignon Paste)

by dmBio
4.23 (7)
  • Is Pastete Shiitake-Champignon ( Shiitake Champignon Paste) vegan? Yes! Pastete Shiitake-Champignon ( Shiitake Champignon Paste) is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 55%

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Most helpful reviews

Anche questa crema di funghi presa al dm, l’abbiamo spalmata sui tacos che abbiamo mangiato

con il jackfruit di ieri sera ed era molto buona

Got it at DM. It is great on toast and very good on vegan pizzas!

It sort of tastes like salami when baked 🤣

I thought it was quite flavorless. Consistency is similar to a meat pate. I prefer

the version with herbs. It’s also a bit pricy in my opinion, although it is enough for about 2 portions. #abillionlove

Meh, non lo riprenderò. Il sapore è molto buono, si sentono tanto i funghi, però

la consistenza non mi è piaciuta per niente, sembra omogenizzato... Molto meglio quello dell'aldi!

I like this product! But I think it is not for everyone’s taste. I like

the spread it on a roll with a little bit butter under it

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