Berry Harvest Organic Fruit Spread

by Crofter’s
4.30 (4)
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 55%

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Most helpful reviews

Blend of organic wild blueberries, strawberries, blackberry purée, and raspberry purée. Great flavor and texture

that spreads easily. Not too sweet.

I’m also a fan of the packaging; perfect for reusing!

Although it’s organic and from an “ethical and environmentally friendly source”, per the brand, I’d like to see something other than cane sugar used as a sweetener.

#berrylover #glutenfree

Magnifique comfiture style maison. Je la jajoute dans mon gruau on le matin sur un


Achei essa geleia bem saborosa e não muito doce, para o meu paladar.
O preço é

um pouco alto, mas para a quantidade diária que uso, rende muito.
Além disso, as frutas são orgânicas!

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