Choc chip cookies

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Most helpful reviews

These were really yummy. Lovely and chocolaty and even better is that I got them

for 10p 😱. I called into asda at about 2.30pm today and found them reduced. #veganisnotscary #plantbased

Io li trovo buoni! Supercontenta che asda abbia iniziato a fare prodotti più da colazione

plant-based!! Li consiglio! Più leggeri e meno zuccherosi degli equivalenti con latte/burro, tra l'altro.

These are some of the best cookies I've had to date. Really nice chocolatey flavour

and an incredible soft doughy texture too. Picked these up halfway through the day, can only imagine they'd have been better first thing in the morning. would buy again! Hope they keep these past Veganuary and stock them permanently!!!

I’m so happy these exist😏 they’re so soft and chewy and a great treat, not

too expensive at £1.50 either! They also do triple choc which I’ll definitely try in the future, thanks for these delicious treats ASDA🍪🍪🍪

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