Tisana cuore

by Altro mercato
3.69 (14)
  • Is Tisana cuore vegan? Yes! Tisana cuore is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 0%

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Most helpful reviews

Tisana a base di biancospino, iperico, rosa canina, achillea. Buona!

Biancospino, iperico, rosa canina e achillea. Infuso alle erbe molto leggero e dissetante

Una tisana dalle note delicate e rilassanti. Perfetta per l'inverno.

A very soothing cup of tea ☕ The flavour isn't particularly strong and I can't

really make out any of the ingredients in particular, but I like it and will definitely buy it again. 💚🌱💚

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