No Added Sugars Cherry Yoghurt

by Alpro
4.35 (54)
  • Is No Added Sugars Cherry Yoghurt vegan? Yes! No Added Sugars Cherry Yoghurt is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 64%

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Most helpful reviews

Cremoso e molto saporito, ci sono dei piccoli pezzetti di ciliegia, ormai prendo solo yogurt

senza zucchero perché assaporo meglio la frutta contenuta. #rifugiomiletta

Molto buono.. forse un po' troppo liquido ma ottimo.. senza zucchero.. con calcio e vitamine..

👍🏻 #alpro

Best tasting plant based yoghurt I’ve tried so far, I had to check it didn’t

contain dairy it was so creamy. Huge pot that fed 4 of us. Small cherry pieces and great flavour. #Huntsabs

This tastes like cherry flavoured candy. I really liked it, just wasn't a very big

fan of the bits of cherry in it. They weren't necessarily gross, but they looked and felt a bit weird.


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