
by Alnatura
4.62 (12)
  • Is Kichererbsen vegan? Yes! Kichererbsen is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN

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Most helpful reviews

Canned chickpeas but in a glass bottle. Delicious, high protein.
The “water/oil” it is stored

in can be used to make aquafaba, used as vegan eggs in baking.

Love to have chickpeas ready to eat in my pantry. Saves me a lot of

time. I’m thinking of using the jar to store some of my spices.

these organic chickpeas stayed kinda hard although i cooked them, but i love that they

come in a glass instead of a can. 9g of protein.

My favourite canned chickpeas option in Switzerland: slightly more expensive than those stored in a

tin can, but excellent taste and way better nutritional values (almost no salt and sugar, you can actually re-use the chickpea water!)

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