Mandorle pelate

by Alesto
4.41 (72)
  • Is Mandorle pelate vegan? Yes! Mandorle pelate is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 87%

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Most helpful reviews

Good quality almonds, rich in antioxidants, magnesium, calcium, potassium, vitamin E, good for skincare....

full of anti-patriarchy properties! Just to add another review to donate to Room to Read!

I don't care about winning anything, I just find the celebration of women's rights and fights vital, to repeat each and every day and not only through this month.
We always need to remind why having a world with equal opportunities is crucial to improve our future and to create a kinder and more educated generation.
Remember that standing up for gender equality doesn't diminish anyone's rights nor is a danger to males' "virility".
Men and women should have the same opportunities, salary, get the same respect and education, be raised the same way because no one is superior to another.
We all deserve to be treated the same way,to have the same rights, no matter if being different from others makes us less socially acceptable and likable.
Being an activist shouldn't be just a temporary social media trend to feed our ego and feel better with ourselves, but the normal, best thing to do while living on this planet, both for others and for ourselves.
The moment you decide to think about others' rights too, you are doing a great favour to your own rights as well because you never know when horrible historical facts can repeat.
We annihilate the risk to get back to primitive way of thinking, biases , iniquities and injustices based on gender/racial/sexist/ableist stereotypes if we keep fighting for everyone's rights.
I hope the little girls will get the education they need to finally take over the planet and make it better!
#almonds #roomtoread

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