
by Alberts
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Most helpful reviews


I loved this tempeh I bought from Vantastic foods 😍 I like that I can slice it into the desired thickness. It marinates beautifully and I'll definitely order more than one on my next order. I made my absolutely favorite tempeh sandwich with tomato and avocado, it was heavenly 🥪 I shared the recipe some time ago here on posts 😊 #veganin2022 #veganinbulgaria #tempeh


Tempeh al naturale non male, va sempre accompagnato a qualcosa perché il sapore è forte 


Gusto amarognolo, consistenza un po' secca... Strano a dirsi, ma ho trovato migliore quello che si trova comunemente al supermercato (questo è in vendita su Veggie shop 24). Non lo ricomprerò.



Believe me, I really tried getting a good picture of this tempeh but wow, how ugly can packaging be? The product itself tastes great tho. You can marinade and season it to your liking! #veganin2020


Non sono una fan del tempeh ma questo mi é piaciuto molto, preso online su vantastic foods 👍

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