Coconut mylk

by Acti Leaf
4.89 (7)
  • Is Coconut mylk vegan? Yes! Coconut mylk is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 18%

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Most helpful reviews

Dying inside at how affordable plant-based milk is in UK compared to SG. This was

only 79p in Aldi 🥲 Tastes delightful & perfect in coffee. #veganisnotscary

Perfect coconut milk, really enjoy this, very cheap aswell, highly recommend. 10/10

It’s ok, but personally it’s not the kind of mylk with my favourite taste (that

is the oat mylk) neither the one with best nutrition values (that it’s from soy mylk). It’s very sweet and tastes of coconut.

Delicious and vegan product. I use it on my recipes and also with coffee!

I love the taste and the product. It is plant based and pain free. I


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