Post by veganeasychallenge
What we eat is a huge part of being vegan, and you would understand that buying animal-based foods supports and encourages the industries that hurt animals and the planet.
✨You may have also realised that being vegan is about more than what we eat.
In relation to personal care and cosmetics, there are sometimes 'hidden' animal-based ingredients along with products that are needlessly tested on animals.
To avoid these, there are a few resources that exist to help you find vegan, cruelty-free products.
For instance:
~ Cruelty Free International's search tool
~ PETA's cruelty-free database
~ Logical Harmony has an extensive list of cruelty-free brands and even mentions which companies are 100% vegan, and which ones have parent companies that are not cruelty-free, in case you prefer to support the vegan ones over the non-cruelty-free ones 🙂
By choosing brands and products that contain only vegan ingredients and are not tested on animals, you’re "voting with your dollars" and helping to create a kinder world. 🫰🥰🌱
Photo credit: Lady Bird Animal Sanctuary. Pictured are Louise and Thelma. See:
#vegan #crueltyfree #endcruelty #crueltyfreeproducts #kinderworld #createabetterworld #veganeasychallenge