Post by calcabrina

photo shared by @calcabrina on  11 Apr 2024 - post

[PLEASE CORRECT ME if you have up-to-date info! I don’t want to spread misinformation]

I just sent this email to abillion and I thought I had to share it.


I write because there are several users (new users or users who logged in after a long time) who don’t know about the new donation policy. They think that the old donation system (review > accumulate money > choose sanctuary > donate) is still working because they missed your posts/mails and the donation page still works even though no money is actually given to the chosen sanctuaries. I think this is ETHICALLY WRONG because a lot of people genuinely think that they are helping specific sanctuaries with their reviews…and unfortunately they are not. It would be right to block the donation page and have a permanent warning message on it that says something like “donations are currently suspended + an explanation of the new policy”. This way, no matter what, anyone can be aware of the current policy situation, even if they missed the moment when these changes happened. Transparency is fundamental.

I always hope that you’ll be able to bring back the old donation system because it was REALLY IMPACTFUL: we saw our reviews turn into new fences, bigger spaces to welcome rescued animals in need, bags of animal feed…not to mention, abillion’s mission is amazing.



marabasso Ottimo, condivido.
Se il conteggio potrà essere utile a devolvere un domani gli arretrati (vedi mai che Abillion voglia distinguersi positivamente anche in questo) va bene lasciarlo ma, con una nota che indichi che in questo momento le donazioni sono sospese.
Se non erro non sono sospese ovunque: avevo proposto di alternare le zone mondo, magari su base mensile, per in modo da poterle distribuire equamente.12 likesReply
calcabrina Grazie per il tuo commento! 🌱🦇🌱4 likesReply
auramala Ciao, scusami, quindi a chi possiamo donare e a chi no?Reply
ericaeroica Grazie 💚4 likesReply
calcabrina 🌱🦇🌱2 likesReply
marabasso Possibile che, con tutto quello che gli italiani vegani se magnano, o con tutti i prodotti per la cura del corpo che comprano, l’Italia sia una vetrina meno importante di altri Stati?
Sempre penalizzati noi 😢8 likesReply
calcabrina Hai ragione…se davvero le donazioni non sono sospese ovunque ma solo in alcuni paesi vuol dire allora che la colpa è di questi ultimi e non di abillion (che dovrebbe comunque informare gli utenti dei paesi in questione) 🙈🙈🙈4 likesReply
gretademarchi Ho contattato qualche giorno fa sia Il Santuario Capra Libera Tutti che Rifugio Miletta su ig e mi avevano confermato che a loro non arrivano al momento donazioni perché abillion ha perso dei finanziatori importanti e quindi non riescono al momento a ricevere nulla :(11 likesReply
calcabrina Grazie per le info! Infatti nella mail che abillion aveva inviato per spiegare il perché della sospensione delle donazioni si diceva di questa mancanza di fondi…che peccato…! Tra l’altro ho notato anche che i contenuti postati qui su abillion dal Miletta e da Capra Libera Tutti si sono drasticamente ridotti…prima mostravano tutte le cose che riuscivano a fare con i soldi delle nostre recensioni…poi più nulla. 🥺🥺🥺5 likesReply
lizmaselli I believe they have started up the donation system again. I used to be with a partner sanctuary and we would recieve the money after it accumulated to a certain amount, usually twice a year. But we did get it. Is it possible that which ever sanctuary just hasn't accumulated enough to be sent? Or it's not their sending period? 🙏🏻🩷🌿 (all love and good vibes from me here😊) 6 likesReply
calcabrina Thanks for your comment! Unfortunately we don’t know…I guess abillion will be able to tell us 🌱🦇🌱5 likesReply
beckyyy Hello! I also sent a message to abillion about donations/messaging/related matters recently. Vikas responded to the message and also offered to zoom with me to discuss. He was very kind, receptive and genuine when discussing the app, the challenges, the opportunities and the processes of moving it forward. During the conversation we discussed exactly this - that communication had been made but was missed by some and that it is not clear within the function of the app itself that the former “regular” donation process is currently suspended. During that discussion he noted that that was something to look in to.

The impression that I have is that the abillion team truly is working very hard to make the program a sustainable one and get back to regular donations. I think it is important that we, as both users and folks with ownership in the app provide feedback and ask questions when things are unclear (or in this case misleading). I believe that there was no negative intension here but that the team are “in the weeds” of the app and not always seeing things from the angles in which we see them as users. They are focused on building excitement and interest in the app and working with sponsors (in order to get us back to regular donations, etc). That being said, he was very receptive to the feedback and understanding of why there is a lack of clarity even though announcements were made.

After speaking with him I decided that I wanted to participate in the app again, with the hope that changes will be made to increase communication and transparency. 13 likesReply
calcabrina Wow thanks for your comment! This was really helpful 🌱🦇🌱12 likesReply
lizmaselli Yes, this team is amazing. I have met them multiple times as well as zoom. They seriously work so hard and care so much. They are genuine people🌿11 likesReply
calcabrina I don’t know them personally but I believe you both 🖤🦇🖤7 likesReply
vikas Sad to see this… we’re an ethically wrong company that’s donated over US $3 million to save animals and we started donations again this year with our new weekly impact program.

And we are committed to making donations that are accruing to our non profits. So we are happy to keep the existing program going while we raise capital for it. Maybe we’ll change it in the future, but our team is constantly talking about how we make it better, how we make it more impactful. And we are in touch with our community.

I’m sorry you feel like we’re not doing enough. 6 likesReply
calcabrina I ABSOLUTELY NEVER SAID THAT ABILLION IS AN ETHICALLY WRONG COMPANY, to the contrary: I wrote that your mission is amazing!!! What I think to be ethically wrong is that it is not clear for a lot of users that donations (review > get money > choose sanctuary) are suspended and a lot of people think that they are donating when they are actually not. It’s perfectly ok if you didn’t realize that it could be misleading for some users (just as @beckyyy said in the comment above) and you are ready to fix it - but I can’t be accused for something I never said. 12 likesReply
silviab I don’t think she meant to criticise Abillion. We really appreciate this project and everything you have done so far (🙏🏻) but some users are a bit confused about what is currently happening with the donation system 8 likesReply
calcabrina Exactly! Thank you 5 likesReply
lestroismoutier I actually didn’t know this because I’m a new-ish user and I need to translate all the comments to read them. Thank you for posting this as it is always better to understand 💕💕💕6 likesReply
calcabrina Thanks. This was my only goal with this post: to understand5 likesReply
lestroismoutier Yes, and it is appreciated. That was clear to me when I read it 🥰 I know this is a huge project and everyone involved works really hard (obviously the app developers of course; but also the people who add thoughtful and beautiful content with the hope that they are raising money for things they care about). So I completely understood your message had absolutely the best and most honest intention. 6 likesReply
vikas We’ve been making donations since Feb 2018 and in the last 6 years we paused donations for 5 months in 2023 due to the financial situation and working tirelessly to figure it out. I’m very proud to have started again on Jan 1 2024 and even more excited to push forward and donate $1 million this year. But it will take our community to come together and make it happen, not sow and seed doubts and confusion. 12 likesReply
calcabrina I perfectly know that you have good intentions and don’t want to confuse people but unfortunately a lot of us are…just because we don’t understand what’s happening6 likesReply
lizmaselli Thank you for everything you've done🩷 when I won a weekly challenge I was able to donate to Red Oak. The morning the $200 came through she was at the vet with an emergency and was able to put that donation to help her pig, Charlotte. Abillion is making a difference in the lives of many🙏🏻1 likeReply
udeshs I am also abit confused.. I am still donating to the animal shelters on the app,so where is that money gone too?3 likesReply
veganadam The money you donate still goes to the shelters. Read the replies by @vikas and @lizmaselli 😀 1 likeReply
beckyyy The weekly donation program is happening.

The individual donations that you give based off earnings from your reviews have been paused since August 2023. The information is being collected and the goal is to have those back up and running, based on my understanding. If this is not correct, hopefully someone will notate. 2 likesReply
rosaliab Ask the sanctuaries directly. You'll find out the truth. I did it. They're not getting the money. Im not spreading confusion. Also I know some sanctuaries are afraid to speak openly about this because they are afraid of beign kicked out of the programme.

In addition to that I'm still waitting for my equity credits to be transferred to a sanctuary. In december they said it would be done in 2 months, and see, it's already April. I didn't want to say anything publicly until my credit was transferred, but now I suppose that's never gonna happen.

While I know my donations haven't been added to the money in due to this sanctuary and they simply disappeared, I see abillion came up with different contests to donate. How come, when they haven't given what was in due in the past? Easy: with this contests they give less.

I do understand the difficulty of giving. Money isn't easy to get. I don't understand the lack of transparency and their evasive way of answering when you ask about these matters and how they blame you only for asking. 2 likesReply
calcabrina That’s it. 1) we all know that gettin’ money ain’t easy and no one is criticizing them for having troubles finding it 2) saying that a situation is morally wrong (people thinking that they’re donating when they’re actually not) does not equal to say “abillion deliberately did it” 3) asking for transparency does not mean sowing confusion!!! 4) no one is trying to deny their credit for all the amazing things they’ve done or the great mission behind the entire project BUT merit can’t be used as a weapon against constructive critics related to a pretty serious situation. 3 likesReply
beckyyy Unfortunately I think this conversation, which was meant to shed light and understanding has evolved into even more confusion.

If I am understanding this correctly @calcabrina was expressing concern that the functionality of the app has remained the same - showing that donations can be allotted to specific groups by users after earning donation credits from reviews. In reality the donations are not currently being made in this way (though of course they are being recorded with the intent of those donations being distributed in the future). Though abillion has made announcements regarding this, it’s a challenge because not all folks read the notices, receive them in a filtered inbox, join the app at the right time to receive it, see it on their abillion feed, etc. A note on the donation page explaining the situation or a changing of the buttons/functionality to reflect a donation pause may possibly go a long way in making this clearer.

It is also my understanding that abillion IS currently making donations at this time, but it is through the weekly program.

I believe we are all in 100% agreement that this app has done AMAZING and unprecedented work and good for animal rescues and other charitable sustainability and social justice related causes.

I also believe we are all realistic and understand that money doesn’t just appear and that a workable and sustainable model must be implemented. Also, it is not easy to obtain long term sponsors in a wobbly market, especially in uncertain times.

I truly believe the only issue here is communication. I don’t think @calcabrina was accusing the app of being unethical, but was trying to call attention to the fact that the donation system is unclear. It would be unethical to intentionally mislead folks.

I also don’t think that abillion was intentionally misleading folks. It seems clear to me, after speaking w Vikas, that they’ve tried to communicate the current situation but that the message was not received by all.

Communication is a challenge. It is easy for any of us to read things too fast, misinterpret intensions or just miss messages completely. This is compounded on an international app with folks from varying backgrounds, cultures, languages, experiences.

I think we can all agree that working together as a community to make this app strong is a win for us and animals.

My suggestion would be to add a video to the app to explain the situation and change the functionality or add a note to the donations page. It may also be a good idea for the community to hold a “town hall” of sorts on zoom or another platform at some time. I’m confident that if we could see one another and discuss concerns together we would understand each other more.

We’re stronger together.
Much love 💗 11 likesReply
calcabrina I fully agree! Thanks 🖤🦇🖤 7 likesReply
marabasso Well written.
Abillion is really a great opportunity for all of us to do something and push for change. There is no doubt that Wikas and his team are doing a great job for which we can only say thank you 🙏🏼4 likesReply
helena12345 Well said @beckyyy !!!1 likeReply
geb Non ci posso credere 🤯
Se non avessi letto questo post, me lo sarei totalmente perso. Avevo donato non pochi soldi ai rifugi nell'ultimo periodo 😭5 likesReply
calcabrina Infatti sto male all’idea di persone convinte di donare che però non sanno che i rifugi non stanno ricevendo il denaro…🥺🥺🥺5 likesReply
-pervinca- Io continuo ad accumulare sperando sempre di non perdere il mio piccolo gruzzolo! Le mie recensioni sono tutte fatte con lo scopo di donare in futuro!6 likesReply
calcabrina Ottima strategia! Farò così anch’io 2 likesReply
felika Grande @calcabrina giusto essere trasparenti 💚🍀5 likesReply
calcabrina 🤘🏻💀🤘🏻1 likeReply
rosaliab This is not the only anomaly. Worse things have happened (like a certain sanctuary not only not receiving anything for a time, but also not having the money in due incrementing in spite of the many donations, that is, like if, contrary to what happened, no one chose to give to this sanctuary for months - that is: we, the ones who reviewed for that sanctuary, saw how our efforts equated to ZERO).

But abillion will tell you "oh no, we're incredibly transparent" and will try to make you feel bad just for asking for transparency saying something like "with all the money we have donated... you come and say this!", but subtly, of course, not in this direct manner. Wait and see how they'll say something similar to this.

The lack of transparency itself is bad. They should inform about all this changes so we decide if we want to make reviews or not. It is not ethical to urge us to write reviews under false promises. But, like I said, worse things happen.

7 likesReply
paolinasw Io ho smesso di recensire, e praticamente usare questa piattaforma da agosto 2023, quando venne riferito che le donazioni erano sospese fino a che non avrebbero trovato nuovi finanziatori. Io non ho più interesse ad usarla se lo scopo principale per cui è nata (donare ai santuari tramite recensioni) viene a mancare. Se voglio recensire, far conoscere o cercare prodotti veg, vado su blog, o altri gruppi social dove le intenzioni sono più chiare!3 likesReply
regimack I was unaware of the pause in donations, reading this thread is news to me. I'm glad multiple people contributed to the conversation so that some questions could be cleared up.3 likesReply
calcabrina Thanks for your comment! 🌱🦇🌱2 likesReply
acilegna Io avevo chiesto per email ad abillion stesso se effettivamente le donazioni fossero state sbloccate e gli affiliati avessero iniziato quindi a ricevere i soldi. La risposta è stata super generica, affermativa e presa alla larga, parlando di questo favoloso programma del vincitore settimanale. Ho dovuto chiedere altre 2 volte per capire che effettivamente le donazioni di chi non vinceva la challenge fossero ancora bloccate. Con questa comunicazione poco diretta è alquanto improbabile che faranno un banner esplicativo della sospensione delle donazioni.
Io sto facendo molte meno recensioni infatti; uso l'app magari per trovare qualche consiglio e ispirazione vegan, ma avendo l'app perso totalmente lo scopo primario al momento, ( o almeno quello che interessa a me: donare) si è molto svalutata. Magari un giorno si sbloccherà il tutto, ma è più di un anno che è così e invero molti nemmeno ne sono a conoscenza. Chiaramente se lo dicessero, probabilmente ci sarebbero meno nuovi utenti4 likesReply
calcabrina Grazie per aver condiviso la tua esperienza 🌱🦇🌱1 likeReply
helena12345 I didn’t know this either! I do care about transparency indeed. But I don’t think or know transparency is the problem, I simply don’t put much time in reading those kinds of animals
I downloaded Abillion to see (exclusively vegan) food posts and make them myself 😅 But I understand this is an important issue for some!3 likesReply
auramala Ma non lo sapevo! Quindi non stiamo donando più nulla?!?1 likeReply
calcabrina Purtroppo no, da circa un anno ormai. Si sta donando solamente tramite il programma Weekly Wins (i vincitori della settimana possono donare 100$ di Equity (e non denaro, se non ho capito male…però posso sbagliarmi, non ho capito bene come funziona) ad un rifugio che ognuno sceglie1 likeReply
auramala Ma caspita... non lo sapevo... 😭😭😭1 likeReply
calcabrina È esattamente il problema che volevo affrontare con questo post e i vostri commenti “non lo sapevo!” sono preziosi in quanto prova dell’esistenza del problema…come dicevo a @geb stavo proprio MALE all’idea di persone convinte di donare (ne ho “incontrate” diverse)…anche perché magari se uno dona tramite abillion non dona null’altro di tasca propria fuori da questa app perché convinto di star già contribuendo…invece no…🥺🥺🥺4 likesReply
coloratantonella I am absolutely agree with you! I have lost a bit of enthusiasm and rush to post my reviews! Capra Libera told me it many many months ago but recently they said to continue to create credit because one day probably they finally get it. E speriamo bene, cavoletto!! 6 likesReply
coloratantonella And I want you to know your post is clear and easy to understand!!!!! 5 likesReply
calcabrina Thank you for the support!3 likesReply
calcabrina Spero davvero che in futuro i rifugi possano ricevere quello che non possono avere ora…sarebbe molto bello!!! 🌱🦇🌱1 likeReply
calcabrina @coloratantonella (per sbaglio non ho riposto al tuo commento)Reply
acilegna Ho appena fatto una recensione e praticamente di default 1 dollaro va al loro programma Equity per finanziare l'app e solo 40 centesimi da poi poter destinare a qualche santuario di mia scelta, (che non riceverà nulla a oggi per mancanza di fondi). Già il fato che su 1.40 più del doppio sia destinato al loro programma non mi piace, dovrebbe essere l'inverso! Quindi i santuari non prendono nulla, ma equity sì3 likesReply
calcabrina 🥺🥺🥺Reply
ericaeroica Tra l'altro io questo "equity" non ho ancora capito esattamente cosa sia. Lo vedo nel mio "portafoglio" ma che devo farci? 🤔4 likesReply
calcabrina Neanch’io so bene…da ciò che ho capito è come le azioni, ossia possediamo quei tot dollari investiti in abillion…ricordo che quando avevano annunciato il programma avevano detto che volevano che gli utenti possedessero un pezzo di abillion…però potrei ricordare male 2 likesReply
calcabrina P.S.: se schiacci sopra l’importo ti compare l’articolo che spiega! 2 likesReply
ericaeroica Grazie calcabrina, ho letto l'articolo e pure tutti i commenti sotto a cui non sono seguite risposte. Quindi l'equity rappresenta delle specie di 'azioni' di abillion che però non posso vendere 😅 e quello che rimane della recensione, cioè gli spicci, è fuffa perché in realtà non esiste (non si possono più fare donazioni ai santuari). Ma a che (a chi) serve davvero l'equity?? Io ho molta confusione in testa in merito ma, secondo me, "qualquadra non cosa"... 🙄7 likesReply
calcabrina Grazie mille per aver letto tutto, lo apprezzo! 🖤🦇🖤 Purtroppo neanch’io ho capito bene il ruolo di Equity…e attualmente si, weekly program a parte, le donazioni sono sospese. L’unica speranza è che si tengano i conteggi per poter devolvere in futuro se si troveranno nuovi fondi. Nel frattempo però, per correttezza, occorre un messaggio fisso sulla pagina con scritto “donazioni attualmente sospese” come ho scritto nella mia mail…anche perché questa situazione va avanti da parecchio ormai e le persone non ne sono a conoscenza e non hanno modo di scoprirlo (se non contattando i rifugi o leggendo qualche commento) 5 likesReply
acilegna Tutto un mezzo scam! 2 likesReply
auramala Tra l'altro in vita mia non ho mai comprato azioni e, se devo dirla tutta, ho un po' paura di possederne adesso... Con le azioni si rischia sempre di rimetterci dei soldi...
Speravo si potesse convertire tutto in donazioni, e a un certo punto sembrava sarebbe stato possibile, e invece no.1 likeReply
kekolove72 È terribile questa cosa!! Non lo sapevo 🥺😒😒e ne sono venuta a conoscenza grazie a questo tuo post! Quindi tutte le ultime donazioni che pensavo di aver fatto al Miletta in realtà non esistevano! Ma dai 😭2 likesReply
calcabrina Purtroppo è così…🥺🥺🥺…il problema è proprio questo: gli utenti non hanno modo di saperlo e sono convinti di donare perché in apparenza tutto continua come al solito2 likesReply
kekolove72 Esatto... Ed è vero quello che hai scritto più su, che magari le persone pensando di donare con Abillion non fanno più donazioni di tasca loro.. Io sono donatrice ricorrente del Miletta, però non ho più donato a Capra libera tutti ad esempio perché pensavo di aver già donato da qui!! 2 likesReply
calcabrina Precisamente. Grazie per aver condiviso la tua esperienza! 🌱🦇🌱2 likesReply
allimac Oddio non lo sapevo!! Grazie per aver scritto questo post e condiviso la cosa 💚🌷2 likesReply
calcabrina 🖤🦇🖤 1 likeReply
federicathewitch Grazie di cuore 🖤🐈‍⬛🖤2 likesReply
calcabrina 🖤🦇🖤Reply
elisatosi grazie davvero caraaaaa, anche io non l’avrei saputo 😭😭😭😭 l’unione fa la forza 🦇🦇🦇🩵🩵🩵1 likeReply
calcabrina 🖤🦇🖤Reply
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