Post by cloudyaquilegia
Thank you guys for signing the petition I posted yesterday. The algorithm controlling my phone proposed me a new one, equally important. Some months ago, Switzerland voted for the new parliament which now is way more on the right side and has a lot of farmers in it. Of course the farmer lobby wants to control animal exploitation... some years ago, wolf packs came back to Switzerland, creating panic for farmers. This noble predator sometimes attacks farm animals that are outside during the night. Of course, it's not fun neither for the poor victims (counted as money loss by their owners), but does this mean that the wolfs have to die? For the federal council, yes. In December, the federal counselor with a totally swiss name, Albert Rösti, passed a law allowing to kill more than the half of the wolf packs in Switzerland. In doing so, he went against the will of swiss people: in 2020, 52% of voters voted against such a law. Would you help to stop this folly?
Thank you also for sharing!