Post by abillion
End the Slaughter Age EU seeks to shut down slaughterhouses and farms for good! They also support alternatives such as plant proteins and cultivated meat as meat alternatives.
Keen to support their cause? EU citizens can sign the petitions here 👇
walkabout-veg Signed & shared5 likesReply
mariafrancesca Signed!4 likesReply
lizmaselli Yes!3 likesReply
berryveganplanet Amazing! Yes! I wish I could sign it🥰3 likesReply
veraviglie Signed and shared ❤3 likesReply
belliebone2022 Aww Im not an EU citizen so will be sharing this instead 5 likesReply
ryanmarkwart End it 4 likesReply
shinexxx75 Well done 2 likesReply
viva67 If slaughter houses has glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian
Paul McCartney 2 likesReply
Paul McCartney 2 likesReply
viva67 If slaughter houses has glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian
Paul McCartney 2 likesReply
Paul McCartney 2 likesReply
twistedbakery Yes!! I would definitely sign if I could 🥰2 likesReply
masscas Signed!2 likesReply
francescadoriana I signed it! And made my parents sign it too lol3 likesReply