Post by rosaliab

photo shared by @rosaliab on  01 Nov 2022 - post

This is Norita. She lives a comfy life. She thinks all animals, no matter the species, should live as good as she does. Or at least have their basic needs met (food, meds, shelter, enough freedom). But, alas, there are so many animals in need! And taking care of them is so expensive! And so few people are willing to give! So Norita thinks GOOD REVIEWS SHOULD ACTUALLY GET A WHOLE DOLLAR REWARD TO DONATE.

Share if you agree with Norita.

We want #thewholedollarback !

rosaliab @malditopato 2 likesReply
trosky Shared!
Qué bonita Norita ❤️1 likeReply
rosaliab A ver si a ella le hacen caso1 likeReply
evelynsarah Agree! 🖤Reply
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