Post by abillion
Coffee talk ☕️ Vegans/sustainability advocates, do you ever feel pressured for not “doing enough”? If so, who do you get criticized by the most? Would negative criticism turn you away or towards veganism?
At abillion, we believe every single action counts because collectively we can get the wheels of change moving. That’s why we hope our community members treat others with respect towards everyone on different points of their vegan & sustainability journey.
Let’s keep abillion a safe space that opens doors to important conversations held with respect for other members. Don’t forget we’re all learning!
#abillion #findyourimpact
oddish Never. I love the accountability! I’m always looking to be better in my choices and actions.13 likesReply
piggy-egg 刚开始的时候,听到话中有话的声音,的确很不舒服!现在有些习惯!要继续加油啦!假若没有力气了,再试三次,真的行不通!我只能离远点儿!哈哈哈!
勿以恶小而为之 勿以善小而不为
己所不欲 勿施于人”7 likesReply
勿以恶小而为之 勿以善小而不为
己所不欲 勿施于人”7 likesReply
mparramon Google translating this part because I liked it so much:
In fact [we are different], everyone works hard to learn and practice with their own mentality and methods! There is no right or wrong!
"I wish to keep in mind:-
Do not do evil for small things, do not do good for small things
Do unto others, do not impose on others"6 likesReply
In fact [we are different], everyone works hard to learn and practice with their own mentality and methods! There is no right or wrong!
"I wish to keep in mind:-
Do not do evil for small things, do not do good for small things
Do unto others, do not impose on others"6 likesReply
piggy-egg Wow! Thanks for translated it. The part translates no same 勿以善小而不为 means like don’t because of the good is small then don’t do it. 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻3 likesReply
izoldat No. I never do. For me, what’s important is my intent to do no harm and leave no trace. So, that’s my yardstick. Other people’s opinions are just their opinions. 9 likesReply
tina360 I feel more pressure from non vegans for being "too picky."9 likesReply
moustachedvegan In regards to veganism, I see that as a lifestyle in which you view animals as individuals. It’s less about what you eat and more about what you stand for. Consistency is key. If you believe in doing no harm, your actions must reflect that as well. Veganism is an important social justice movement. 8 likesReply
colphax Nope! Pushing each other to be the best versions of ourselves is one of the best things about this community. 4 likesReply
intraferon Not really. Either the other person who is "pressuring" me has a valid point, and I try to change. Or they don't, and I can just think they are wrong/unrealistic and call it a day. I also don't really care how aggressively the message was delivered, I understand that the person delivering it might feel very passionate about it. But this is only if I receive criticism from a ethical vegan who really just has the best interest of other beings at heart. If a non-vegan criticises me, they are just doing it to make themselves look better for abusing animals, and I don't ever feel the need to listen.7 likesReply
veggieassassin At this point in my journey, I'm not sure that I question my personal " #NoKill " 🔪 choices or if my "day to day" actions are "cruelty-free" enough.
I do however, think some vegans QUESTION "other" vegans actions and perhaps don't even consider them vegan at all.
From my personal experience, I've noticed NOT ALL "self-proclaimed" vegans think exactly the same.
Obviously, there will be some agreeances on some subjects and some disagreements other topics (i.e. covid-vaccine 💉🦠😶🌫️) Yes, I've seen many "self-proclaimed" vegans get into disagreements on this subject 🫣
For me personally, I guess I'm open to "labeling/calling" myself vegan if I meet "your" vegan definition.
If I don't meet your definition or expectations , I'm perfectly fine not calling myself a vegan as per "your opinion" #FreedomOfOpinion 💬
I prefer not to argue semantics and focus on my #NoKill journey to the utmost and BEST of my ability 🙏🏼🌱🧘♀️🧿☮️ 7 likesReply
I do however, think some vegans QUESTION "other" vegans actions and perhaps don't even consider them vegan at all.
From my personal experience, I've noticed NOT ALL "self-proclaimed" vegans think exactly the same.
Obviously, there will be some agreeances on some subjects and some disagreements other topics (i.e. covid-vaccine 💉🦠😶🌫️) Yes, I've seen many "self-proclaimed" vegans get into disagreements on this subject 🫣
For me personally, I guess I'm open to "labeling/calling" myself vegan if I meet "your" vegan definition.
If I don't meet your definition or expectations , I'm perfectly fine not calling myself a vegan as per "your opinion" #FreedomOfOpinion 💬
I prefer not to argue semantics and focus on my #NoKill journey to the utmost and BEST of my ability 🙏🏼🌱🧘♀️🧿☮️ 7 likesReply
saschazelf Yes, exactly how I feel too❤2 likesReply
francescadoriana Once at a wedding I was saying to a friend that I am vegetarian and she replied: you are not getting vegan aren’t you??? Omg…2 likesReply
tina360 Ugh, this comment is so common it's ridiculous. 1 likeReply
lil-chickpea Perhaps the community guidelines need to be updated for posts. I am against hateful rhetoric towards any individuals, omnivorous or otherwise. It needs to go both ways though. As the community grows, I hope there are plans in place to deal with the influx of trolls who may try to make this an unsafe space for vegans. 10 likesReply
dimitrisv Every time I feel pressured I think of the pressure animals feel in their cages and slaughterhouses, I slap myself back to sanity and I enjoy my delicious broccoli.12 likesReply
chiarahakuna In passato mi sono giudicata da sola, sentendomi non abbastanza vegana nello stile di vita, in piccole azioni. Pian piano ho accresciuto la mia consapevolezza e solidificato la convinzione che ogni azione, per quanto piccola possa sembrare, è importante. Questo lo ribadisco anche a tutte le persone che sono spaventate dalla parola vegano, in quanto lo percepiscono come estremismo. Cerco di spiegare e rendere accessibile e fattibile a chiunque, mostrando effettivamente, mostrando quanto possa essere facile. In ogni caso ribadisco l'inesistenza della perfezione e già il solo riflettere e mettere in atto piccole azioni sia fare qualcosa verso il veganismo. Quindi... Let it be ☮️🌱1 likeReply
alexsea @carlile has already said it all, just as you can't be a partial animal abuser or serial killer, you can't be a partial vegan or have your own interpretation of it. Veganism is a clearly defined moral entity that is against avoidable unnecessary animal suffering - I'm either for it or against it, I can't save anyone from suffering if I eat it only half or only once in a while.
The only differences that exist among vegans is the knowledge and options available to one.
If I rely on medications that cause animal suffering, then I have no real choice and that is exactly how veganism is defined.
If I don't know that something causes animal suffering, it is not wanted by me and is not in conflict with my beliefs - but since no one can know everything, it is imperative that others educate me and that I allow myself to be educated.
The problem here is not that someone is put under pressure who does not support vegan things unconsciously, but that it is seen and interpreted as pressure and personal criticism if someone tells me that e.g. honey is produced under animal exploitation and is not vegan.
The much bigger problem I see, however, in the communication of @abillion10 , who instead of explaining veganism and standing up for it, not only propagate speciecism, but now also give non-vegans the confirmation that it is perfectly ok if they continue to let animals suffer because it's awkward and inconvenient to have to change something in your lifestyle just because a few animals might go through hell here and there.6 likesReply
The only differences that exist among vegans is the knowledge and options available to one.
If I rely on medications that cause animal suffering, then I have no real choice and that is exactly how veganism is defined.
If I don't know that something causes animal suffering, it is not wanted by me and is not in conflict with my beliefs - but since no one can know everything, it is imperative that others educate me and that I allow myself to be educated.
The problem here is not that someone is put under pressure who does not support vegan things unconsciously, but that it is seen and interpreted as pressure and personal criticism if someone tells me that e.g. honey is produced under animal exploitation and is not vegan.
The much bigger problem I see, however, in the communication of @abillion10 , who instead of explaining veganism and standing up for it, not only propagate speciecism, but now also give non-vegans the confirmation that it is perfectly ok if they continue to let animals suffer because it's awkward and inconvenient to have to change something in your lifestyle just because a few animals might go through hell here and there.6 likesReply
jorgsamuel Stop whining and create your own 100% vegan app then. Reply
alexsea 🇱🇷 You mean to whine about the fact that every year millions of innocent animals are raped, shredded alive, gassed, mutilated and finally have their throats slit just because of your selfishness in infancy, so that you have foreign breast milk and period products on the food table?
Or stop crying because our only planet is destroyed many times faster only by your selfishness, additionally people suffer from hunger, lose their habitat and don't have enough to drink?
Or stop whining because even in a vegan community the root of this horror, speciesism, must not be called by its name, because then people like you feel uncomfortable, knowing what suffering they cause?
No, I'm sorry, I can't stop being horrified about that.
🇩🇪 Du meinst, darüber zu jammern, dass jährlich Millionen unschuldiger Tiere nur aufgrund deiner Selbstsucht im Kindesalter vergewaltigt, lebendig geschreddert, vergast, verstümmelt und ihnen schließlich die Kehle aufgeschnitten wird, damit du fremde Muttermilch und Periodenprodukte auf dem Essenstisch hast?
Oder aufhören zu weinen, weil unser einziger Planet nur durch deine Selbstsucht um ein Vielfaches schneller zerstört wird, zusätzlich Menschen Hunger leiden, ihren Lebensraum verlieren und nicht genügend zu trinken haben?
Oder aufhören zu jammern, weil selbst in einer veganen Community die Wurzel dieses Horrors, der Speziesismus, nicht beim Namen genannt werden darf, weil sich dann Menschen wie du unwohl fühlen, da sie wissen, welches Leid sie verursachen?
Nein, tut mir leid, darüber kann ich nicht aufhören, entsetzt zu sein.1 likeReply
Or stop crying because our only planet is destroyed many times faster only by your selfishness, additionally people suffer from hunger, lose their habitat and don't have enough to drink?
Or stop whining because even in a vegan community the root of this horror, speciesism, must not be called by its name, because then people like you feel uncomfortable, knowing what suffering they cause?
No, I'm sorry, I can't stop being horrified about that.
🇩🇪 Du meinst, darüber zu jammern, dass jährlich Millionen unschuldiger Tiere nur aufgrund deiner Selbstsucht im Kindesalter vergewaltigt, lebendig geschreddert, vergast, verstümmelt und ihnen schließlich die Kehle aufgeschnitten wird, damit du fremde Muttermilch und Periodenprodukte auf dem Essenstisch hast?
Oder aufhören zu weinen, weil unser einziger Planet nur durch deine Selbstsucht um ein Vielfaches schneller zerstört wird, zusätzlich Menschen Hunger leiden, ihren Lebensraum verlieren und nicht genügend zu trinken haben?
Oder aufhören zu jammern, weil selbst in einer veganen Community die Wurzel dieses Horrors, der Speziesismus, nicht beim Namen genannt werden darf, weil sich dann Menschen wie du unwohl fühlen, da sie wissen, welches Leid sie verursachen?
Nein, tut mir leid, darüber kann ich nicht aufhören, entsetzt zu sein.1 likeReply
jorgsamuel By all means go on and be horrified about that but the way you’re going about things and imposing your opinion as the only one is just pissing everybody off. You’re only hurting the vegan cause. Get a clue.Reply
alexsea 🇱🇷 I harm the vegan cause because I speak for the animals that you don't seem to care about at all and that have to continue to go through hell senselessly for you because you feel attacked at the point where your conscience should actually speak up?
Do you also tell this to people who stand up against animal cruelty to dogs and cats because you think that you have the right to torture dogs and cats? Or in the case of racism?
Maybe you should first learn to understand what veganism means before you give others advice on how to behave when they stand up against injustice for others you don't care about at all.
Vegan, unlike "vegetarian", is not a meaningless pseudonym to soothe one's conscience, even though it actually changes nothing - vegan is a moral conviction against senseless injustice, torture and murder of trillions of innocent animals. And if you think that this is not your problem, then you should at least have enough respect for others to implement what you are too comfortable and selfish to do.
🇩🇪 Ich schade der veganen Sache, weil ich für die Tiere spreche, die dir völlig egal zu sein scheinen und die weiterhin für dich sinnlos durch die Hölle gehen müssen, weil du dich an der Stelle angegriffen fühlst, an der sich eigentlich dein Gewissen melden sollte?
Erzählst du das auch Menschen, die sich gegen Tierquälerei bei Hunde und Katzen einsetzen, weil du der Meinung bist, dass du das Recht hast, Hunde und Katzen zu quälen? Oder bei Rassismus?
Vielleicht solltest du erst einmal verstehen lernen, was Veganismus bedeutet, bevor du anderen Ratschläge gibst, wie sie sich zu verhalten haben, wenn sie sich gegen Unrecht für andere einsetzen, die dir völlig egal sind.
Vegan ist nämlich anders als "vegetarisch" kein sinnloses Pseudonym, mit dem man sich sein Gewissen beruhigt, obwohl es faktisch null verändert - Vegan ist eine moralische Überzeugung gegen sinnlose Ungerechtigt, Quälerei und Mord an Trillionen von unschuldigen Tieren. Und wenn du der Meinung bist, dass das nicht dein Problem ist, dann solltest du wenigstens so viel Respekt haben, dass andere das umsetzen, wofür du zu bequem und selbstsüchtig bist.1 likeReply
Do you also tell this to people who stand up against animal cruelty to dogs and cats because you think that you have the right to torture dogs and cats? Or in the case of racism?
Maybe you should first learn to understand what veganism means before you give others advice on how to behave when they stand up against injustice for others you don't care about at all.
Vegan, unlike "vegetarian", is not a meaningless pseudonym to soothe one's conscience, even though it actually changes nothing - vegan is a moral conviction against senseless injustice, torture and murder of trillions of innocent animals. And if you think that this is not your problem, then you should at least have enough respect for others to implement what you are too comfortable and selfish to do.
🇩🇪 Ich schade der veganen Sache, weil ich für die Tiere spreche, die dir völlig egal zu sein scheinen und die weiterhin für dich sinnlos durch die Hölle gehen müssen, weil du dich an der Stelle angegriffen fühlst, an der sich eigentlich dein Gewissen melden sollte?
Erzählst du das auch Menschen, die sich gegen Tierquälerei bei Hunde und Katzen einsetzen, weil du der Meinung bist, dass du das Recht hast, Hunde und Katzen zu quälen? Oder bei Rassismus?
Vielleicht solltest du erst einmal verstehen lernen, was Veganismus bedeutet, bevor du anderen Ratschläge gibst, wie sie sich zu verhalten haben, wenn sie sich gegen Unrecht für andere einsetzen, die dir völlig egal sind.
Vegan ist nämlich anders als "vegetarisch" kein sinnloses Pseudonym, mit dem man sich sein Gewissen beruhigt, obwohl es faktisch null verändert - Vegan ist eine moralische Überzeugung gegen sinnlose Ungerechtigt, Quälerei und Mord an Trillionen von unschuldigen Tieren. Und wenn du der Meinung bist, dass das nicht dein Problem ist, dann solltest du wenigstens so viel Respekt haben, dass andere das umsetzen, wofür du zu bequem und selbstsüchtig bist.1 likeReply
ryster I've said it before, the biggest haters of Vegans aren't the meat eating population, but other Vegans. It's like some massive insecurity that makes them have to out-Vegan and berate others efforts. We're all on the same journey and path, but some people take longer, there's nothing productive for the movement in being so Binary in these times. Possible and Practicable are the two words that always stick out for me. 10 likesReply
camilavegan Yes, especially when I'm on a car, bus, that the seats are made of leather 😟 ( because been a vegan is not just about food)1 likeReply
lisart76 I did in the past, expecially when I started my vegan journey. The best critics, expecially here in Italy, are vegans. I read comments and posts in groups and started thinking how I could be vegan and have a sustainable and fair economic life by what they pretended a vegan would be. Now I simply live and do my best for being the vegan I want to be. And I see that passing time, the worst and more mean critics come from non vegan people, always looking for contradictions in vegans while they're not even trying anything. I don't care, I live and let live, and contribute as I can, expecially by examples, and few words. 🙏Reply
denidoll I started my vegan journey in October 2020 and I feel a little pressure from both vegans and non-vegans alike. I'm a little caught in the middle. I'm finding it extremely difficult to be vegan during the holidays, hence my vegan struggles and straddling. As a kid, I detested meat and meat byproducts. But both my parents grew up in farm life and I was always forced to eat meat and meat byproducts. My behind would still be glued to the chair 30+ years later if I hadn't complied. Such was the way in my family. Later, after developing medical issues post military service, I began exploring veganism. It was veganism that took me out of heart attack range and my health problems started to lessen. But...the hard part is having to make and take my entire vegan meal with me to friends and family's houses because they knew NOTHING about veganism and didn't want to be bothered with looking into it for my health's sake. At this rate, I might as well eat alone so I don't have to cart my meals around everywhere to places that are supposed to be for sharing. And if I accidentally eat something that isn't vegan, I feel like I'm letting my health, animals, and the earth down. It's a fine line I walk. And to boot, I don't know of any local people who are vegan. So everything I learn is self-taught. It's a little depressing. 1 likeReply
unicorniorosa Nope! Criticism is necessary. I would love if someone tells me something I'm doing wrong. For example: "hey! This thing you do, hurts animals" or "maybe you don't know, but the glue of your shoes is made of animals", or "is not ok going to a zoo *explains why*". No one has the supreme knowledge! I mean, I'm vegan, but maybe I'm doing something wrong without knowing, and I would appreciate if someone tells me. And after all, 99% of vegans were raised speciesist and other people had to "criticize us" 🤷🏻♀️ (I'm not English speaker 😝)Reply