Post by jordaneatsplants

Keto vs Vegan… who can relate? 😅😂

Also, who else is on TikTok? I love following vegan creators and connecting with likeminded, compassionate individuals! 🌱

There’s definitely a lot of anti-vegan hate on TikTok (I have actually received death threats for speaking out against animal abuse), but it’s also a powerful platform for activism. Short, entertaining videos are a great way to spread vegan messages and plant some seeds!

If you’re on TikTok, come find me and I’ll follow and support you! 💚

#tiktok #vegantiktok #vegansontiktok #veganssupportingvegans #vegancommunity #keto #vegan #vegansoftiktok

drteetee Haha yep😅😅😅 I’m not on TikTok (yet), but please keep sharing your videos here!!3 likesReply
jordaneatsplants Thank you so much!! I definitely will 🥰 And if you ever get in TikTok let me know!! 💚2 likesReply
alexsea On almost every channel is much of vegan-hate, more than in reallife, but on the other hand you can reply as you can't most time in real life 😅🙊🙏💚3 likesReply
jordaneatsplants Yep exactly! It’s a double edged sword bc it’s great to advocate but the hate can get overwhelming sometimes. 2 likesReply
alexsea 💯😖1 likeReply
monicamarcos Told someone I'm vegan.. they suggested the keto diet. Like wtf. Vegan is not a diet its about morality. Ugh some people's children 🤢2 likesReply
jordaneatsplants Oh my goodness. Lol exactly, veganism is an ethical stance and a lifestyle, not a diet. 🙄Reply
oddish I remember a girl once telling me her dad with high cholesterol and heart failure was put on a keto diet by his doctor, with bacon and eggs at each meal. It’s a facepalm sorta moment until you realize how sad it actually is4 likesReply
gemgirl yup years ago by a doctor's advice that my Husband go on the Paleo diet - seriously like a pound of bacon everyday - to a man that had high blood pressure and at the time was classified as obese - since I encouraged him to go vegan he is healthy slim and trim 4 likesReply
jordaneatsplants OMG!!! That’s just going to accelerate his conditions. It really is sad and it’s also alarming that doctors have such little knowledge of nutrition. 😳4 likesReply
jordaneatsplants So happy to hear that!!! You saved him 💚3 likesReply
nathlena19 Sadly doctors aren’t trained on nutrition, they are trained on what pills (“medicines”) to give people to treat their symptoms 4 likesReply
nathlena19 However this is changing, albeit painfully slow, there are some vegan doctors trying to change the game 3 likesReply
drteetee Please don’t generalize this type of stupidity to all doctors. Reply
oddish Nobody did this. ❤️2 likesReply
drteetee ❤️Reply
nathlena19 I can only speak about the US, and that’s how doctors are trained. Our medical system is ass backwards. And to even make it worse, many of those doctors are endorsed by pharmaceutical companies and so they prescribe those specific companies’ pills. They only treat the symptoms and not the root causes, ignoring food almost entirely. And that’s one of the main reasons we see so many health problems in the US 1 likeReply
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