Homemade Playdough
#locallysourced, #ecofriendly, #localeconomy
Homemade Playdough
What could be more sustainable than recreating everyone’s favorite childhood toy at home?!
Please support my very first vegan business! My daddy taught me how to make playdough and now I’m making my amazing playdough for you.
I will make you 200 grams of homemade playdough in 4 colors and send it to you. It lasts 4 weeks if kept in a sealed container in the fridge, and when it’s getting old just shape it into something and bake to make it last forever.
I’m only 4 but my dad keeps telling me college is expensive and I better start saving now. I hope you’ll support my first business. Thank you 😊
#playdough #playdoh #smallbusiness #myfirstbusiness #oympiainc
sanleeping I used to make this with my kids. We never achieved such a vibrant yellow. We'll done - great idea. 🍀💚🍀👏👍👏1 likeReply
manjugarg Wow !! Great going Olympia . 👌👍🥰 loved the idea of yours . I would love to buy your product but how you would send to NY . USA .
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