Review of Yogurt frutos rojos - Auchan by danielgl
Auchan brand #soyyogurt with #redfruits sold at #alcampo supermarkets. The yogurt was packed with 10% fruit pieces including #blueberry, #strawberry, #blackberry and #raspberry, providing a pleasant texture contrast to the creamy #yogurt.
It is interesting that there is no indication of this product being vegan, only a graphic for gluten-free. 🤔 I bought this on vacation as we don't have an Alcampo on our island, though it was quite average in taste I would probably purchase them again if I returned.
#veganyogurt #vegansfromcanaryislands #sinoesveganonoescomida #ifitsnotveganitsnotfood
danielgl 👍👍👍1 likeReply